30 June 2013

RIP Mr Yunupingu

A State funeral today for Mr Yunupingu. RIP Mr Yunupingu.

He was one of our great indigenous leaders and a fine musician.

Treaty, the song he co-wrote and sang, on You Tube


  1. A great loss to Australia but with all the "other" news on the media services lately it seems to have gone unnoticed by many.

  2. I'm sad that it didn't make the news in the UK. We are fed so much rubbish. We can all learn from the lives of somebody like Mr Yunupingu. I finally found a small reference to his death on the BBC news page under "Asian News" !

  3. Neither of the links work for me...

    1. Sorry Kris, I checked them and both are working.

  4. Uncle Mandawuy is with our Ancestors and he still walks with us. Imagine that a State Funeral for an Aboriginal man. Sadly newsworthy items concerning Aboriginal Aussies often go unnoticed. Next Monday the 8th July is National Aboriginal Flag Raising Day. I along with many other Aboriginal South Aussies, some prominent and some not, have been invited by the Adelaide Lord Mayor Steven Yarwood to the Flag Raising. This is an annual event but rarely rates a mention on the evening newscast. My husband and I will attend unless the heavens open up. This is a forerunner to NAIDOC Week and it's happening all over this great land of ours and if you are interested just Google it :-)

    1. pigsmightfly, yes, imagine that. It's progress, very slow progress. I am always impressed and comforted by the respect and acceptance shown at Murri and Arnangu ceremonies. I hope it's the same throughout our nation. I watched the state funeral yesterday and it was there too - that respect that often white Australians forget about. It shows a great deal of strength and resilience.
      Our closest flag raising happens each year at Nambour. I am planning on going along. I hope you and your husband enjoy NAIDOC week in your country.

  5. This is my first comment, although far from the first of your posts that I've read - and for those I thank you. Yunupingu. Beautiful name, beautiful man, beautiful message. A succinct and moving post.


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