25 May 2012

Weekend reading

There are some delicious looking recipes on Roostblog, start with this one for cinnamon donuts.

Likewise, on Running with Tweezers, there are many wonderful modern recipes, excellent food photos and this - The Soothing of Shelling - it's slowing down, shelling peas and a magnificent pea salad.

I love this blog - Wayward Spark and this post what what lured me into it. It's about The Grange and the importance of community.

Meet The West ladies at Homestead Blessings.

One of the good things about going out is that there is no phone to answer, no emails coming in. Switch off your smartphone picks up on that.

The UK recession may be worse than expected.

Are you getting enough sleep? Podcast (40 minutes).

Wendy lives in South Africa and writes a very interesting blog - Urban Homestead South Africa.

Everything is here on Evi's blog, Sister Sun - from snow on Cradle Mountain to feeding a little possum, mothering, knitting and all things in between.

I've loved reading your comments this week. I'm so proud of our little community here. We have a group of supportive and interested women and men who share knowledge and encourage others and that is something I love being a part of. I'm speaking at the Maroochydore Library today so if you're coming along it will be great to meet you. Otherwise I'll 'see' you back here next week.


  1. Good Morning Rhonda
    I had to laugh this morning when I was outside in the dark, wearing my PJ's and cleaning out the gutter on our shed roof, all to catch the water from the impending rain, in our tanks. The last thing my husband said to me this morning was the gutter would have leaves in in and our tanks need topping up! Not goodbye and have a good day? This made me think of you and your comment in your book "bloom where you are planted". I thought I don't look too bloomin' good at the moment but it doesn't matter, catching the rainwater is more important. Time to look good later!
    I have just finished your book. Congratulations and thank you for giving your insight to us all. I only wish I had endless copies to give away to friends and family.
    I watched my parents struggle financially when I was growing up and as a consequence I have tried to live frugally (sometimes I fall off the rails on to try harder next time). The things you spoke about in your book is exactly what I have been telling friends when they ask my advice, for them to only continue on the road they had been following all along. I used to get fustrated but have realized there isn't any more I can do. Now, however I give my opinion and then refer them to your blog, so hopefully by them seeing it can work one person might make the change and from there, one of their friends could do the same. By doing this we are teaching the next generation just like we have been taught by our previous generation, only hopefully this time it will be for a more simple life!

  2. As my husband is self-employed in a service industry here in the UK, our family is very aware how bad the British recession is. It just boggles my mind that the politicians are only realising the depth of it! We are holding on by our fingernails and sheer grit...

  3. Two good picks from our mob, I enjoy both of those. Evi is a really inspiring mother with a very natural connection to life. I unreservedly recommend both too.

  4. Have a relaxing weekend, Rhonda. I guess it will be raining at Landsborough today like it is here on the Darling Downs. Good breadmaking weather! I hope Hanno is improving. Do you know the date and venue when you will be in Toowoomba in June by any chance?

  5. Nanna Chel, Toowoomba Library, 13 June, I think it's 10am and 6.30pm - morning tea and supper provided. I'm looking forward to that one.

  6. Murphy is making blooming sure I don't get one of your books as after my disaster at Carindale I also missed out in my local bookshop at Capalaba. This time I have aordered a copy can't wait until it comes in.
    Do you think you will have a paperback copy coming out any time soon.....???

  7. I'll check out some of your links have a good weekend...coffee is on.

  8. Good morning Rhonda, love the new blog format, the search engine works much better than the last one and also good to have your photo back. I have not been too well but the first thing I had my daughter bring to me in hospital was your book. Hope to be fit again and back at the forum soon. In the meantime being part of this community is so comforting in difficult times. Thank you!

  9. Rhonda, thanks for the info about your visit to Toowoomba. I have been to the library and picked up some brochures and have also booked into the 5.30pm timeslot. It says on the brochure 10.30am morning tea for an 11am start or 5.30pm supper for a 6pm start. Anyone from the area who is in the library can book at the Enquiries Desk or phone 46886670. Don't forget to bring your ugg boots. You will need them.

  10. I have just turned 24. For my birthday I bought myself "Down to Earth" and cannot put it down. It's like a friend who finally understands the way I think and agrees wholeheartedly with my alternate approaches to life. I am so excited to get completely committed to simple, sustainable living. I have some questions I would like to ask, would this be the place to ask?
    kind regards

  11. Madge, I'm sorry to read you're not well. I hope with a bit of TLC and rest, you'll start feeling better again.

    Thanks Nanna Chel.

    Sally, if it's not too long, ask here, or write an email to rhondahetzel@gmail.com Glad to read you're enjoying the book.

  12. "Are you getting enough sleep?"

    Short answer: no. :-))


    A lovely weekend to you, Rhonda!

  13. Thank you Rhonda, for mentioning my Urban Homestead SA blog. Have a wonderful weekend. We have rain forecast for the most part but have just returned from a wonderful outing to a small local dairy where we learnt how to make goats milk gouda and cheddar and cows milk mozarella. I know what I am going to try next week!

  14. Hello Rhonda,

    I just wanted to say thank you for writing such a lovely blog and book.

    I'm a Brisbane bloggy mum who was trying to be gratelful for what I have and live in the moment. I thought I was doing ok, then about 6 weeks ago I was diagnosed with MS and it knocked me over.

    My beautiful mum came up from Melbourne this week to spend time with me. On Monday she went to Montville and came back with your book. I read it from front to back before she went home on Wednesday. So much of what you wrote struck a chord with me.

    I am keeping a journal to help me through the first year after diagnosis and so many of your ideas on eating healthy food (cooking from scratch), setting up routines, and being a role model to my young family are firmly on the adgenda.

    Thanks for the dose of good medicine. I said to my mum that she was meant to buy that book, and I was meant to read it at this moment of my life.


  15. Hi Rhonda
    your book arrived two days ago Im enjoying reading your book started decluttering today which is a good thing as our family are moving in 6 months to the mid north coast from sydney for our sea/tree change although here we have the chooks vegies and bees it will be great to be out of the rat race as well. so many thanks and have a great weekend.

  16. I am trying to email you but it is saying that I am putting in the wrong security letters? What am I doing wrong? Please help. Or do you have an email address?

  17. allylou, my email is rhondahetzel@gmail.com

  18. Well, thank you Rhonda, you are a sweetie! Now I only hope I can deliver.....;o)
    I really enjoy having a peek at your selections each weekend - it's almost like chatting to you about what you are finding interesting atm. Thanks for all the effort you put into this blog....much appreciated!

  19. Dear Rhonda,
    I came across a little advert for your book in a magazine while in Noosa, stopped in at Eumundi with my daughter and picked up a copy of your book. I think i read it in 4 nights and now i am reading it again, just in case i forgot something....

    I have made your Laundry Powder and have all my bottles ready for the liquid. I have created my home management journal, stock pilling cupboard is up and running.. Have a jar or two on the go, followed some of your recipes and currently underway with creating the cleaning kits.. INSPIRED? TOTALLY!!! i can't stop talking about how much your book has inspired me... I would love to come to one of your talks , is there anywhere i could find out about this?? We are off to Strabdroke Island for 7 days so when i get back i will have to catch up on your blog... Thanks Rhonda, thank you for your beatufiul inspiring book. :) xx KJ

  20. thank you so much for including the pea salad on my blog!


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