1 July 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo so we can all find you. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

I wrote a couple of months ago that we'd planted our loofas late this year and wasn't expecting much from them. Then I reported that I was going to pick the handful that had grown.  Well, I didn't get around to picking them, one thing after another put it to the back of my mind, then yesterday, I thought I'd better check them out and probably rip out the rotting vines. It's been raining here on and off for some time and loofas, like their cucumber and pumpkin cousins, develop powdery mildew and all kinds of mould then they're constantly wet.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I discovered the loofas were not only healthy, but they're still growing and flowering! We had one drying on the table on the back verandah, I picked three more dry ones to complete their drying, and there are about 12 more, still green, on the vine. So Jeni, I'll reserve one for you and I'll also be selling the seeds. So that, as well as the overwhelming response yesterday is on my mind. I'm working at my neighbourhood centre today so I'll be sewing, knitting and planning soap making, drying and storage with Hanno on the weekend.

Thank you for your visits this week and thank you for all the emails that arrived too. I'm trying to answer them as best I can.



  1. How long do your loofahs usually take before they start making the gourds? You inspired me to give them a try, so I planted mine in the spring (I'm in Florida, USA) and the vines seem healthy and happy, getting taller every day, but no flowers or fruit yet.


  2. That is a crop that keeps on giving for a longer period of time!
    Your handiwork looks beautiful (other post) love,andrea

  3. Oh My the loofa's are hugh! Here is my "On My Mind"

  4. I've always wondered where loofahs come from and now I know:-)

  5. Hello ladies!

    Helena, once the loofas have grown tall, they start growing flowers. Don't fertilise them, you'll grow all leaves and no flowers. See if you can buy some sulphate of potash (it's organic) and apply that to each vine. It will help with the flowers.

  6. oooh how exciting, thank you Rhonda !
    Can the seeds be sent to WA do you know? I'm looking forward to seeing your shop :)

  7. Hi Rhonda! Your loofahs definitely look robust and healthy! We have lots of broccoli growing well - I think we might be trying to find as many creative ways to eat broccoli as possible come spring, it is doing so well!

    I've had bananas on the brain this month. http://soonarmy.blogspot.com/2011/07/banana-brain.html

  8. Hello Rhonda
    Love your loofas, they look so healthy on the vine. The thrill of gathering from a veggie garden is just too good to explain. But what's on my mind today is whether to leave my "scarecrow" with or without his hat. My veggie patch pales into significance compared to your vine,yet patch is but an infant. I need to keep my dogs and birds away from my seedlings. Can anyone tell me if the hat should stay or go?

  9. Rhonda I will add to my comment from yesterday to say that I would like a few of the loofa seeds too. Carolyn Gilbert..Florida, USA

  10. OH I would love to buy some of your loofa seeds. Your plants look so wonderful.

  11. ooh, gotta love a garden surprise like that!! amazing that sometimes nature finds a way despite all the weird weather thrown its way!


  12. Fruits of our labor is also on my mind...http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-harvested-items.html

  13. Hi Rhonda

    I would love to buy some loofah seeds when they are available. I could pick them up as I only live up the road a few kms.

    I know what you mean about garden surprises. Our cucmber got very wet and although we got some the rest just rotted, BUT the seeds grew and we had cucumbers growing and producing right through till the end of autumn

  14. Hi Rhonda,
    Are you going to put some cut up loofas filled with soap in your shop? I remember seeing them in a post from a couple of years back and they looked great! I would buy one!

  15. The loofahs look amazing! I wish we had room to try those.. it's very inspiring.

    I've been trying to figure out what to do with some material I have... summer is fleeting and I haven't done anything with them yet, so this is definitely on my mind! :)

  16. I grew loofahs years ago. Thanks for reminding me about them. I might have to try them again sometime. Today I have goats on my mind http://www.happyhollowfarm.com/2011/06/birthday-outing-for-kids.html

  17. I have growing loofahs on the to-do list, your crop looks great, shall follow their story :)

    On my mind is our new built-ins, yay!

  18. How neat. I'd never thought of growing loofahs. You never cease to amaze and educate me.

    On my mind? A surprise find of last years tomato sauce.


  19. I find your occasional loofah posts interesting Rhonda, I haven't investigated them but I like seeing yours.

    I'm thinking about Christmas.


  20. Love to have some Loofah seeds. At the moment fermentation is on my mind http://nourishingpantryandgarden.blogspot.com/2011/06/winter-in-wangi.html

  21. Rhonda you are so lucky living up North where the plants thrive. Loofahs look fun and big.

    On my mind is cleaning cupboards during school holidays. Ask me in two weeks whether I managed it? Might just play with the kids instead ; )


  22. Gardening is on my mind too. I am off to anonymously leave some Cape Gooseberry seedling as part of Giving Day.


    Take care

  23. The loofahs look great, you probably don't suffer the frosts like we do. Have joined the On my Mind... today being school holidays and I am at home. Visit here http://rosesandcream-qld.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind.html

  24. Hi Rhonda....I'm looking at your loofah's with envy.....as you know mine didn't produce last season due to bad weather knocking off all the flowers....I'm still keen though, and will try again this season.....

    On my mind...is my solar panels and my christmas cake fruit soak I will be doing today.

  25. Good morning Rhonda. A busy week with school holidays, a broken computer and problems downloading software and internet connections. Just the usual for a SAHM in this digitial world! LOL

    Have a great weekend!


  26. http://takeyourmoneyandshoveit.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind.html :D

  27. This is on my mind... A husband in hospital.


  28. I've never seen a loofah before...so this was interesting. It kind of looks like a zucchini plant a little bit. At least, it does to me ;) :)

    On my mind today, is finally finishing repainting my curio cabinet. I tried to keep the post "short". I could have talked about so much : :) IN any case, I'm really rather pleased with how it turned out. Here's the link http://heathersblog-o-rama.blogspot.com/2011/06/my-fifth-buildings-out-homes-together.html

    Have a lovely weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  29. Rising electricity prices are on my mind today.


  30. It is fabulous to see that loofahs are on your mind. Planning my garden for spring and getting my seeds sown in preparation is exactly what is on my mind at the moment.
    Keep up the good work - you are inspiring me daily ;)

  31. Hi Rhonda,
    Here is my blog entry for On My Mind - the cption is very long...but I had a lot on my mind

  32. I'd love to try growing loofahs one day! But alas, I really need to start the vege patch first lol. My post is here: http://hearmumroar.com/2011/07/on-my-mind/

  33. What a treat! Inspiring stories are on my mind and missing my hubby who is away.

  34. I'm Thinking of my Chia plant http://papillongold.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind.html

  35. http://rebeccadehaan.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-wat-houd-mij-bezig.html

    This is what's on my mind. The broad (lima) beans we harvested from the garden. What a bounty!

  36. I have grown loofah's before - they are just the most wonderful thing to have in the shower!!!

    On my mind is friends - both in my life and friends who I have decluttered from my life and my thinking around the people I want around me...


  37. Pretty impressive vine there Rhonda! On my mind this week is silicone bakeware. I bought some last weekend and have then started to wonder whether it is safe...maybe silly me?

  38. What beautiful gifts from nature!

    I have a few of those on my mind this week as well...but mine are my orange and black flowers:


  39. I have just found your lovely blog and I think it is great, glad to find so many people trying to live a simple way. I wanted to ask about the sampler picture/gadget on the right hand side of your blog, simple life, give more ect. I would really like to put it on my own blog that I have started, would this be ok, I noticed it didn't link to anyone else? oh and please come and have a sneeky peeks at my blog too! x x x

  40. I've got my furry friend on my mind. He's alive and well!

  41. Hi Rhonda!

    Just letting you know I wrote a mini-review of a number of blogs I like on my blog and it includes yours. I hope it generates you a little more traffic and interest.
    You can find the post here:

    This Good Life

  42. Almost empty bottles and jars are on my mind today


    I have loofah seeds, but wasn't sure when it's the right time to plant them.

  43. Hi Rhonda Jean! LONG time reader, first time participator! Joining in on your "on my mind" post!

    I have been wanting to grow loofah's since I read your post a while back. Not sure how they would take in Northern California, but I would be willing to give it a shot! :)

  44. The loofas look wonderful- I've never seen them like that before! Here's is my Friday feature -Just Now.

  45. Love the Loofahs ~ maybe I can give those a try next year....my interesting success was yard long beans this year! They really do grow to be a yard long each, are very tasty and are thriving in our very hot, dry and humid climate. Everytime I think the vine is going to die - it takes on a new life and generates more three foot beans....going to do a post about it very soon!

  46. I've always wanted to grow loofahs. How tall is your trellis?

    I am loving your blog, too, by the way.

  47. It is good when nature surprises you that way, well done and good luck with your shop and as always thank you ever so much for your blog and allowing me to link on my mind is making do because you want to.


  48. Hi from Worcester in the UK! I love following your blog, Rhonda - SO inspirational and encouraging! Keep up the good work. Here's the link to my blog http://teddywaresandflutterbies.blogspot.com/2011/07/hi-guess-who.html

    I look forward to seeing lots of you there. It started out as a tool for sharing my papercrafting, but is morphing as my life moves on - as I prepare for retirement (whatever that is!) in a couple of years.

    Hugs from this Pom xx


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