12 July 2011

I am your grandma

There are times in our lives when everything seems right; when hardship and worry vanish simply because joy has overtaken them. Right now is one of those times for me.

Shane, Sarndra and Alexander.

While I know of the tragedies in Africa and Afghanistan, that millions struggle each day just to drink and eat, that cruelty and injustice continue to play a big role in life all over the world, one tiny baby and the smiling contentment of two people I love removed all of that for me yesterday. All I could think of was there before me and everything was right.  

There is something about holding a grandchild for the first time. When they look at you, even though they might see with blurry eyes and it is a moment they won't remember, a connection is made that is profound and permanent. When I was holding that beautiful baby yesterday, I whispered: "I am your grandma." he looked up at me and Hanno said: "it looks like he understands what you're saying." and I knew that he did. He might not recognise the words yet but that connection is made with the eyes and the heart, not with words. He knows it and so do I.

Thank you all for your wonderful comments yesterday and for thinking about us and our family. Hanno and I and Shane and Sarndra appreciate your kind thoughts.



  1. I agree Rhonda, congratulations to you all and there is nothing more blissful than looking into the eyes of your grandchild as as they grow that look is always there,bless you all.

  2. You are blessed what a beautiful family! Congratulations! Does your daughter in law sew? That was such a pretty gown she was wearing. I would like to read the story on her blog. Have you ever shared the link to her blog?

  3. Many blessings to your whole family and to the human race as another young soul enters this marvelous miasma of life.

  4. Your words have brought a tear to my eye Rhonda. I wish you and your beloved family all the happiness in the world and many, many joyfull moments together.

  5. Grand children are a real blessing from God. I have 4 and I am so very lucky. All 4 are happy and healthy.
    I know there are many years of fun ahead for you to enjoy those babies.
    Congratulations and best wishes to you. Roxie

  6. Dearest Rhonda Jean!!

    What a pleasure for me to read your words today!! It brings back the memories of my own grandchildren's births...there are seven of them and the love for the first is the same as for the seventh. Being a grandmother is one of the most special privileges in life and I wish you all the joy it brings.

    Can't wait to hear more about this new little cutie pie.

    Hugs to you and Hanno.

    Diane in North Carolina

  7. It can not be any other way: it has to be the big warmth and welcome from your hearts ;o)

    Enjoy Rhonda!

    Love from Holland

  8. Dear Rhonda,

    What a beautiful photo. Shane and Sarndra are blessed parents indeed...a beautiful, healthy, baby boy :) :) Babies are the sweetest and the best :) :) Have a lovely day. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :)

  9. So happy for you! What a happy, wonderful, blessed time you are in!

  10. Beautiful!

    Congratulations to your whole family!


  11. Love to you all at this most precious of times. Thank goodness for times like these.

  12. You bought tears to my eyes Rhonda because what you said is exactly what life is all about. What a lucky boy to be born into such a loving caring family.

  13. A hundred million congratulations to you and your happy, growing family. Wishing nothing but health and happiness for you all!


  14. Congratulations to you all Rhonda. What wonderful news.
    Warmest blessings.


  15. You always find the right words Rhonda...such a lovely post.

  16. How wonderful, they look so happy! I wish them all the best. :-)

  17. Lovely. So happy that mum and baby are well. What a lovely time in your life <3

  18. Congratulations and my best of wishes at this very special time.
    (I too loved what you wrote.)

  19. Congratulations!! Your post made me all teary. I am very happy for you all.

  20. How lovely it is to see the three of them!

  21. Shane, Sarndra and baby all look happy and well. You and Hanno will probably have two little grandchildren at your place at the same time, learning about growing their own food, exploring the garden and collecting eggs whilst having lots of fun. You have much to look forward to :D.

  22. How wonderful! Congratulations to you all. Welcome to the world wee one! :)

  23. A healthy new baby!! What a wonderful gift for all of you!! I am so happy for you all and that you got to see and actually HOLD the baby while still so new!! WOW!!

  24. Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous little grandson.It is so very exciting to welcome new little people into this world, and your grandchildren will learn so very much from you and Hanno. Warm wishes to all:)Shelly

  25. Awww Rhonda that is so precious. I have tears here this morning reading

  26. What a beautiful photo and such a lovely post. I wish that my children were connected to their grandparents in such a lovely way. My grandparents were VIP's in my childhood and I really mourned the loss of my Pop 4 years ago and realized that he and my Nan had been the one constant in my life. For some reason grandparents don't change? They remain true and the same throughout our lives and I think that one of the greatest gifts that you can give your child is the love and devotion of a GP!Can't wait to see more pics and Peanut's story unfold. x Chrissy

  27. I'm so happy for your family congratulations.

  28. It's all about connection isn't it.
    You can't define it, it is just there and it is the most beautiful feeling in the world. I hope you all enjoy your babymoon :)
    Congratulations to all xx

  29. Congratulations, grandma! :) He is a precious little one, and mama has that lovely glow...what a beautiful family.

  30. Such a blessing. Best wishes to your family.

  31. So beautiful. Can't wait to join your ranks.

  32. Thanks Rhonda. What a gorgeous photo. They look so happy. xxoo

  33. Congrats to everyone on your sweet little blessing! Best wishes, Tammy

  34. congratulazioni nonna Rhonda ^___^ auguro tantissima serenità al bimbo e a tutta la famiglia. Un abbraccio dall'Italia.

  35. Oh, Rhonda, this is wonderful. Many blessings to all 5 of you.

  36. He's beautiful Rhonda, no wonder you are so proud, must have his Grandmas good looking genes.

  37. There is something inexplicably wonderful about grand children...so hard to describe, but every grandparent I know understands it. Rhonda, you are just starting out on this journey...I am here to tell you that it gets better and better. Check my post today.

  38. how wonderful for you all.
    congratulations and have fun soaking it all up.

  39. Well that brought tears to my eyes....Thank You for sharing :-D

  40. Congratulation Rhonda! And Best wishes to Sandra and Shane!

  41. I am so happy for all of you that your newest family member has arrived. Grandchildren bring more joy than you can possibly imagine. My first is now 12 1/2 and he still looks at me with those loving eyes that say everything. Blessings to all of you on the journey ahead. Karen from CT

  42. Oh Congrats! Your words brought tears to my eyes! :)


  43. Many congratulations! What a beautiful baby and a happy family. Wonderful!

    All the best,

    AM of the bread

  44. Congratulations on the new addition to your family! What a precious time.

  45. Congratulations AGAIN! What blessings this year has wrought for you & Hanno!

    Blessings from Ohio/USA ~ Kim<><

  46. A new grandson. What a wonderful gift!



  47. Congratulations to you all! I'm really glad that everything went well and that your little bobba is here safe and sound and that mom is obviously glowing. Now you have another beautiful little baby to love and squeeze! A baby's arrival is such a lovely, lovely time of life.

    With love from Claire from England x

  48. love that: "profound and permanent"...so right! Congratulations to all your happy family--lucky baby to be so loved!!

  49. Lovely....simply lovely... all of it.

  50. Bravo to you for being a mother-in-law that cares, but doesn't overstep her bounds. Many women could take a lesson from you on that one. Congrats to both your boys on their lovely families and to you and Hanno.

  51. We just celebrated the birthday recently of one of our grandchildren. There is nothing like being grandparents is there... It is the deepest of joy. Your words rang so true they brought me to tears. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy... Sarah

  52. Goodness! I wasn't able to drop by recently and when I return what do I find but that entire lives have changed in the blink of an eye!
    Much much love and blessings go your way :)

    Trinidad & Tobago
    p.s. Won't the holidays be grand this year with lots more added to your little family :)

  53. Congrats! How wonderful for you all. Love to you and yours.

  54. Sounds like you've started some very special bonding there Rhonda, Lucky little boy he is. Congratulations to all of you!

  55. Rhonda, your dil's blog has been removed. Is this an error? Is she moving to another site?

  56. Kristi, Sarndra's decided not to blog at the moment and has taken it down.

  57. Congratulations on the birth of your grandson Rhonda. Please pass on my best wishes to Shane and Sandra.

    I'm sorry to hear that Sandra won't be blogging for a while. I found her blog to be very informative and full of good ideas.

  58. Rhonda, as Sarndra has taken her blog down, do you think she would allow you to share just a few details of the birth? I was so looking forward to reading anything she wanted to share about it.


  59. Hi Tracy, I'm sure Sarndra will want to share her baby news when she blogs again.

  60. Chiming in late here, but wanted to wish the new member of the family all the best.


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