16 May 2007

Pickled cucumbers

5 medium cucumbers cut into 5 mm slices
350g onions, sliced very thinly
green capsicum and red chilli are optional
50g salt
350 ml cider or white wine vinegar
350g sugar
2 level tablespoons mustard seed
2 level tablespoons celery seed
½ level teaspoon turmeric
¼ level teaspoon cayenne pepper

Slice the cucumbers, onions, capsicums and chilli and place in a bowl, and salt and let stand for 3 hours. Drain, rinse under the cold tap and drain thoroughly. Bring the remaining ingredients to the boil in a stainless steel saucepan and then add the vegetables. Reduce the heat, bring just to the simmer and cook 2 minutes. Pour hot into sterilized jars, making sure the liquid covers the cucumbers and seal.

And here is the finished product. Three jars of cucumber pickles for the fridge. They last for months.



  1. Rhonda -

    i made these a couple nights ago. Not sure if they're meant to be matured but.. OMG.. they are *GORGEOUS*. I had to stop OH eating the entire first jar there and then!! we had some extra next to pizza last night (cue another wrestle with OH over the jar) and they went really well with it, not too overpowering like, say, pickled onions would've been.

    Definetly making these again.. thankyou very much for the recipe!


  2. Thanks for posting the Pickled cucumber recipe. I have made it several times. I was unable to buy cellery seed the first time so substituted 1tbsp cellery salt and chopped up 2 -3 sticks of cellery. That was scrumptious too.


  3. My husband recently suggested that we start canning. I have absolutely no idea how. This shouldn't be hard as I have recently learned how to make homemade bread. We, too, have a garden but it's not comparable to yours!

  4. Hi

    Thanks for posting this recipe. We have just had to destroy our cues (fungus - couldn't risk infecting toms and peppers in greenhouse) and so had to harvest the mature fruits in bulk to avoid wastage. Was looking for ways to use them and this recipe is ideal.

    Many thanks

  5. Thank you for sharing your recipe, Rhonda. I had an abundance of cucumbers I needed to do something with and this certainly helped a first timer like me.

  6. Hi,

    The jars you used in the picture,they look like regular jars? Since they are not water bath canned I can use these type no?
    Thank you,

  7. ps....conversion please.....
    how many red onins?
    how much sugar,salt & vinegar.....

    Thank you,

  8. Hi Rhonda,
    Is there any way to make this so that you can store them outside of the fridge before they are opened? We have such a wee fridge!
    Thanks for your recipes, they are a delight.

  9. This looks so good. I wonder if anyone did a conversion of this recipe? I'm terrible with math and get confused with grams, etc.

  10. There are 30 grams to an ounce or one tablespoon or 15 milliliters

    There are 240 mls to an 8 ounce cup or a one cup measurer.

    350 mls would be a little less than one and a half cups.

  11. does the pickled cucumber have to be refrigerated or will it keep in a pantry cupboard?

  12. Julie from VermontMarch 26, 2012 2:00 am

    Wow this looks great!
    Do they have to sit in the fridge for a certain amount of time before they are ready to eat?

  13. Diane - they won't be around long enough for you to worry about the shelf life!! I've made 3 lots now. I keep them in the fridge - and I start eating asap Julie.

  14. Couldn't find any Celery seed. Does anyone know where to get it ?
    I substituted celery pieces as someone else suggested. Also didn't have any cayenne pepper so I put in some peppercorn.
    Do I have to refrigerate and for how long ? :)

    See how they go...can't wait

  15. Rhonda is it possible to make this recipe without any sugar? I'm trying to avoid sugar completely. salty brine is a useful way to replace lost electrolytes.

    1. Yes Karen, it should be fine without the sugar.


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