from Anita to Steph B from Flossie to Jen G From Heather K to Jen D from Jen D to Heather K from Joe to Julia Hello all-here are more prett...
I will be 60 years old tomorrow. I can hardly believe it. How can someone who so clearly remembers being at school, seeing Bob Dylan, the B...
Hello swappers. This is to remind everyone that the close for sign-up to the seed swap is tomorrow, April 14th. If only one person from a co...
It was as close to perfect as any day could be. All the food was prepared, the guests said they enjoyed it, the weather was nice, the music...
from Ania to Bel from Bel to Ania from Debbie to Melinda from Debbie to Melinda from Donna to Eileen Hello again-here are more gorgeous tote...
from Annemarie to Karen from Barbara to Leanne from Barbara to Leanne from Susan to Hannah from Karen to Pip I have received more photos...
This is the fabulous tote bag that Chas sent me. It seems Hanno has claimed it though and uses it at every opportunity. Thanks Chas, we bot...
I received an email about Swaptree a couple of days ago. It's a swapping service for you to swap books, CDs, video games and DVDs. The...
There have been a few enquiries lately about how to convince your family you haven't gone completely nuts when you start living a more s...
from kristi to mary from Ciara to Lindsay from Robbie to Sandra from Aubrey to Diana (pebbledash) from Diana to Aubrey I want to remind al...
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