I'm still a bit busy today. I'm dropping Tricia off at the airport soon and will then spend the day at the Neighbourhood Centr...
I have no time to post today, Tricia is still here and we're busy. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. ♥
Kathy sent me the link to this during the week. It's an excellent online magazine called Seeing the Every da y. Thanks Kathy! This ...
What a wonderful collection of comments we had yesterday. If you haven't read them yet, make yourself a cuppa, sit down for an hour and...
I think we'd all agree that written words play a very important role in our lives. I blog almost every day and write every day. As well...
I received a followup email from Joannie that said: " I have a girlfriend only 18months younger than myself (I’m 36) who has two gorge...
Last week I received an email from Joannie who said: "After listening to you on the radio and checking out your blog I then bought you...
Coming back to knitting -  "To think of ourselves as makers, rather than just consumers, is the first part of refusing to accept ever...
Hello all, I just wanted to remind everyone that the swap is now over and everyone should be busy getting those apron parcels in the mail. ...
The very talented Renata Kirkpatrick will be at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre next Tuesday, 12.30 - 2.30 pm,  for Crafternoon. Renate wil...
The last part of my home review this week is the vegetable garden. The garden is one of four elements that we deal with to put food on ...
LEST WE FORGET Today is Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand - a day of commemoration for all those who gave their lives in the defence...
I've was busy all day yesterday and will be again today so instead of carrying on from the food challenge, today I'm writing about ...
I think it's a good idea to review and rethink what we do every so often. Without noticing, we slip back into old ways and bad habits. ...
I loved Enid Blyton when I was younger and she's still making headlines today. The wonderful sourdough site. If you're trying to p...
Yesterday I challenged you to join us on reducing the amount of meat you eat. I was really heartened by the number of enthusiastic comments...
There are a few reasons why it's a good idea to reduce the amount of meat we eat - it's a more environmentally friendly choice, it&...
I loved all the birthday messages you sent yesterday. Thank you all so much. The comments you send me, even after all this time, really mak...
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