20 April 2012

Weekend reading

I loved Enid Blyton when I was younger and she's still making headlines today.

The wonderful sourdough site. If you're trying to perfect your sour dough, this is the spot for you.

"no hooks, no clips, no struggles" Dressing when you're older.

Have a look at the egg mobile. I've only just recently started reading Milkwood more regularly. It's captivated me with the productivity there, and it's always interesting.

What are the legitimate limits to copyright - the online war.

The fabulous Wisecraft blog. This is beautiful on so many levels.

Sorcha's blog. She's been reading here for a long time, she has a comprehensive blog of her own that I'm sure you'll find interesting.

Read the nappy chronicles on The Provincial Homemaker - there is a very cute photo of the washing line.


  1. Hi Rhonda, even here, in Holland, we know who Enid is. What a great writer! I know her books from when I was a lot younger ;o) and just sold these childhood items..

    I want you to know that in this time of my life (out of energy and a bit loosing myself) I have great support reading your fantastic book. I really LOVE it and I am só glad I have it on my shelf.. I have to take some kind of a break, but I will hang on. Thank you so much for posting each day. I always take out some inspiration, just before going into bed.

    Wish you all the best.

    Love from Holland

  2. I love Sorcha's blog! She's very sweet.

  3. Thanks for the reading Rhonda! Have a lovely weekend!

  4. I love this idea of yours introducing your readers to wonderful new blogs they might not have heard about.

  5. Thanks for the links, Rhonda ;) :)

    I'll definitely give them a look see. Right now, I'm reading Ree Drummond's book "The Pioneer Woman - Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" It's a great read and providing me with lots of laughs :)

    Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :) :) :)

  6. I read those Enid books as a child and while I don't remember the names and plots I still remember, how she described the simple English food so brilliantly. Though I do remember canned tongue making a few
    Thanks for the link to Wisecraft. So beautiful. Now bookmarked.

  7. Good morning, Rhonda! What a wonderful surprise it was this morning when I checked my email to find a comment from Mrs Accident telling me I'm famous and one from Outback Tania informing me I'd made your Weekend Reading List. I look forward to this list every week, and I'm humbled by my appearance on it. Thank you! :)


  8. Thanks for the link Rhonda. I am really chuffed to be included. I have found lots of lovely new blogs through your new weekend reading lists.

  9. Dear Rhonda. It was great to meet you in person at Dymocks bookshop in Brisbane today. I started your book on the bus on the way home and love it. It's beautifully written and presented. Kind regards. Jean Burke

  10. Thank you Rhonda for these links. I appreciate your encouragement of community, and magnanimity of always thinking of others.

  11. Thanks for sharing your Weekend Reading.

    The only problem with reading your weekend reading lists (and similar reading lists from other bloggers) is that my list of blogs that I follow is growing out of control. :)

  12. I used to LOVE Enid Blyton books especially the famous five. Recently I actually bought a load of famous five books on audio and still listen to them when I do my ironing!! I love the stories, characters and simple way of life. It reminds me of my childhood :)

  13. I love the Egg Mobile! Thank you!

  14. I enjoy your blog so much...can't wait to get our own home and a little piece of land so I can incorporate a lot of your tips...I made The Provincial Homemaker's cheese muffins this morning and boy are they good. So simple: 1 cup milk,1 cup shredded cheese and 1 cup self rising flour ( I used 1 cup ap flour with 1 tsp. Baking powder and big pinch of salt) bake in greased tin in moderate oven for around 25 min. She said she added parika and chives to her's, but you can add what you like...next time I'm adding dill weed to mine...I like them better cold...they would be great with soup. I got eight nice size muffins out of the batch.

    Blessings to you and Hanno,

  15. Thanks very much for the link, Rhonda! Have hereby discovered this treasure trove of yours...


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