There will be readers who will gag at these old-fashioned recipes, as well as those who, even though the ingredients are quite cheap, still...
I'm continuing the decluttering challenge many of us started last Monday. The declutterers at the forum are posting about what they...
Vivian is back from her family holiday and she's having a mini sale at EcoYarns  this weekend. Most of the yarns with wool content ...
The master's apprentice. This is where Jamie leaves his spade. I'll be busy with my writing most of the weekend. I'm hopi...
Homemade garlic and herb bread. Bread is part of our daily lives here. I make it most days and sometimes we buy a good rye loaf fro...
I think a lot of people let the idea of perfection get in the way of living. When you expect perfection you raise the bar so high, most of ...
Now that we are eating our main meal at noon, it can be a bit of a free for all later in the day when we're hungry again. The idea is t...
Decluttering is a difficult task for most of us. If you've gone through your life with little money, then it is a real challenge giving...
During the week, Dawn, a very generous reader, sent me a copy of a New Zealand magazine called Good.  The undeniable fact that I ha...
One thing I really love about the simple life is that it encourages me to slow down and be mindful. I've stopped working on automatic p...
Sometimes plans just don't work out. Yesterday I wrote a post on Irish soda bread and fresh pea and herb soup. A couple of hours later ...
Tessa posted a very interesting article over at the forum this morning about SPC Ardmona petitioning the Australian Productivity Commi...
The Irish folk who read here, and maybe those from the UK too, will know of Maura Laverty, but I have just discovered her. Sadly Maura died...
I'm really happy to tell you that I'll be at the Brisbane Writers Festival  this year. It's on at several venues, mainly at the...
It's been busy here all week with Hanno's health issues, two talks out in the community and starting work on my new writing project...
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