14 June 2016

Turning my back on chaos

I feels quite liberating and exciting to wake after a good night's sleep knowing I have the entire day, week, year with no commitments other than those needed to take care of my family and run my home. Ideas come to mind, I decide to make a list of projects I've put off because now I have the luxury of time to do whatever I want.  My needs and ambitions are simple though and all my current plans involve home projects and fluffing our nest. I'm so grateful to be at this point and I'm happy to be able to share it with you.

The evolution of our bathroom. The story continues ...

The house is chaotic today because we have workmen here demolishing our old bathroom and making way for the new. The sound of their work belies the true nature of our calm home but I know there is a time for everything and out of this busyness will come a bathroom that will serve us well for many years. Soon the noise will stop, making way for quietness to return and be part of our days once again. But for now our bedroom is swathed in old sheets and there are towels on the floor to keep the renovation dust under control. I'm staying out of there too because of my asthma. I just creep in there for quick photos.

A basket of vegetables for Sunny and Kerry.

One of our sons has been staying with us for a few weeks while he established himself in a new job and searched for a new home for his family. That's done now, he put in the hard yards and yesterday he left to drive north, pack his family up and return here to a little country town to the north of us. I am so proud of him and his commitment to his family and his work. It will be good having everyone here on the coast, not that we'll live in each other's pockets, but the potential for visiting and helping is always there. That's what families do best.

Last week I discovered the musical Hamilton so while the 2016 Tony Awards were being presented yesterday, I wrote this blog post and listened to the Hamilton soundtrack quietly in the background. I'm very pleased that the rap musical won so many awards, especially as it's already won a Pulitzer Prize for drama. Generally I don't like musicals but this is exceptional, creative, inspirational and joyful. I've heard the music so much over the weekend, that it plays in my head long after I stop listening to it. If you've never heard the music or of the musical, check this out and this and tell me what you think of it.

An easy one-pot meal - lemon and herb chicken with vegetables. I'll used the carcass to make pumpkin soup for today's lunch.

The house looks like a bomb has gone off but I'm happy to leave most of the cleaning until the workmen go early next week. There have been a few tidy-ups and some laundry done, and of course the meals but for the next week, little else will be done.  I know the world will not fall in on my head because we have a few days of disarray, soon it will be over and all will return to normal. I hope to be out in the garden for a large part of the next few days. We've been harvesting quite a bit from the garden to eat and share and it all has to be replanted to keep us in fresh food over the months to come. I want to make calendula soap this week and if I have the time, I'll defrost some rosellas and make up some jam. So much to do!  But maybe I need to pull back and just wait until the house is back to normal. Maybe I should just spend this week in the garden and work on my projects when order is restored here. You're such a wise thing, blog, thank you for helping me organise myself. :- )



  1. glad you are taking time for yourself. The renovation looks like it will be so lovely when completed

  2. Just coming in to rest a few minutes and read your blog before I move to the next tasks. Isn't it wonderful to have the freedom of choice and set one's own deadlines?? Remodels are tough, but well worth it if it makes the living in one's life more pleasurable. We redid both our baths last year; however, not to the level you are. Just new floors, updated vanities, paint and fixtures. Well, maybe it WAS a bit more than I thought! LOL It seems to drag on and on and suddenly it is done and so much joy! You'll enjoy it when it is done!

    Here in the mountains of NC we are transitioning from broccoli and such to more heat tolerant crops such as tomatoes and peppers. Beets are ready for canning and lettuce is nearly ready to bolt... The change of seasons is so subtle, but so lovely, isn't it??

    Have a marvelous day!

  3. We have been through many house upsets in the last 6 months as we prepare our home to be sold as we downsize house. The dust drives me crazy! When I had workmen upstairs all day I did a lot of freezer cooking just to have something to keep me occupied in another part of the house. I know you will love your new bathroom as I love my new kitchen so it is all worth it in the end!

  4. You will love your new bathroom when it's all done and luckily you only have a short time to be out of sorts. I love your last comments - they made me laugh! Funny how we can sort things out if we just stop and think for a little. Thankyou for your last visit to Toowoomba and for signing my book too!

  5. Why to you peel your potatoes, is it what you are used to or is it better for that dish?

    1. I don't like to eat the skins of any vegetable that hasn't been grown organically and I don't like the taste of potato skin.

  6. That lemon and herb chicken looks delish Rhonda, is an hour in a hot oven enough or a little more?

  7. Dear Rhonda & Hanno
    Life sounds good for you both, its good to make changes in the house that will serve you both well in the future. The garden produce looks great. how great for your son and family to move back down the coast. It is lovely to have your grandparents as you are growing up. I am 45 now and think daily of my grandparents when they were alive and all the wonderful memories and growing up and seeing them weekly and in that big garden they had, very similar to you. so many happy memories, I learned so much from them and will be forever grateful to them. It will be such good support too for your son and daughter in law. Always reading here Rhonda but not commenting much but thankful for the wonderful blog you write. Lors x

  8. Look forward to seeing the finished bathroom! I always find the demolition the hardest with all the dust and dirt.

    We are renovating our kitchen and second bedroom in our little old cottage at the moment too and I think your plan to take it a little easy at this time is a good one. I think when we are under pressure it's always important to go gently and do the things that fill our tanks, I completly agree that your plan sounds good.

    Your tradies look like they are keeping it quite neat which is always a relief.

    Much love,

    1. Hi Emma, I've seen your renovations, good luck with them. I'm interested in seeing your new kitchen. xx

  9. I am fortunate to be a stay at home person. I rattle around in my house some days and then in the evening wonder where the day went! I haven't managed to get much done, except to feed my animals, and myself and get dinner ready for my daughter when she gets home from work. Last week, I changed my water heater with muscle help from my daughter's boyfriend, and now I need to put every thing in my sewing room in a place that is going to be helpful for me to do my sewing and weaving. (I had to move everything, because the water heater closet is in that room. So it was a major disruption!) I am hoping to get my mind going in the right direction so I can accomplish more in the near future. I'm still adjusting to my major move from central California coast to Very north Washington state, which is a big change in climate and amount of family and friends close by! It will happen, I just need to not get frustrated with myself!

  10. We start a plumbing projects and guess what we didn't know what we was doing.
    And it still not finished.
    Coffee is on

  11. Hi Rhonda, thanks for the links to the music from Hamilton. I kept hearing about it and wondering what a rap musical about Alexander Hamilton would be like - it seemed like such an improbable combination - but it works! I will enjoy watching your new bathroom evolve - much easier than living it. I updated my bathroom about 7 years ago and the memories still linger, mainly because I only have one bathroom and while the work was in progress I had to wander around borrowing the facilities of neighbors, friends and family. I also felt quite lucky to live a few blocks from two gas stations! Beth in MN

  12. The joy that comes from having that freedom to do what you want with the day is my favorite thing about staying home!

  13. Just make sure your laptop has a dust cover Rhonda - brick and tile dust is so fine and will pay havoc with computer keyboards. Lovin' the enamel ware too.

  14. I can't wait to see the completed bathroom! I have been very busy and have a lot of catching up to do around here! :) I went to Amazon and purchased your book, The Simple Home the other day. Now I have them all. :) I can't wait to settle down and read it. Hope your winter is going well!

  15. Your fresh produce looks delic, as does the chicken herb and veggie meal. Love how your blog gave you such sound advice 🤗😍

  16. A wonderful home cozy post, dear Rhonda...The blog does help to motivate and support us, eh? The chicken looks good, too.. I think I can smell it here.. smile.. xo

  17. Since I usually read on the iPad, I don't comment these days. However, I just finished a book review for my blog and I have access to our home computer for awhile so I'm catching up on beloved blogs.

    I've felt the need to simplify even more than usual this summer. Just to live in the moment. Another birthday is coming up, this one number 62 and my husband recently turned 69. The grandchildren came to visit two weeks ago and since we see them once a year, we are always shocked at how big they have become! All of that a reminder that time passes without us noticing unless we take time to do so. Your blog is still a favorite.

    1. It's lovely to "see" you here again, Brenda.


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