18 September 2015

Weekend reading

The days are getting longer and warmer here and I'm guessing that most of us are experiencing a change in the temperature. I hope you all have a lovely weekend. We have a big one here with a very special celebration - I'll be back tomorrow to tell you about it. Enjoy your days. :- )

The photos above are online shots I took yesterday while watching the wild brown bears at Brooks Falls in Alaska's Katmai National Park. Now is the ideal time to watch this live streaming event - the bears have just returned to the falls to fill their bellies with salmon before they hibernate, and the wild forest is turning yellow with the onset of the shorter and colder days. If you have a spare 15 minutes, click here and enjoy it while it lasts. If you look down to the bottom of the page, there are comments, sometimes from the rangers.
Bespoke - the rise of the makers - iview
Now that spring is here there are plenty of workshops around the place for those who want to sharpen their skills and learn something new.  I have a link to Buena Vista Farm's From Scratch workshops. Fiona is a very talented baker and farmer who is living on the coast of NSW. Her From Scratch Workshop has a few vacancies on 3 October, 2015 and 14 November, 2015. If you want to learn how to make sourdough, biscuits, yoghurt, butter and more, this is your place.
Elderberries: Hospitality, Health and Beauty
Live Simple, Live Full
I love being a housewife and that doesn’t make me any less of a feminist
The barefoot crofter
Kay's Tess D’Urbervilles Shawl - free Ravelry download
Dishcloth patterns
Another excellent workshop for those in the south east of Queensland - Hands on permaculture workshop with Morag and Evan. Permaculture kitchen gardening made easy. 3 and 4 October, 2015 at Crystal Waters Permaculture Village in Conondale. Phone 5494 4833.



  1. How fascinating! Thanks for sharing the links.

  2. Thank you so so much for sharing the link!!! That video is so much fun to watch!!! God bless, and have a great day!


  3. Such great information dear Rhonda.. Thanks so much and I shall have fun watching the video.. Have a great weekend my friend. xo

  4. just popping in to say an early Happy 75th birthday for Hanno tomorrow.

  5. That's really cool, thanks for sharing the bear cam from Alaska! Much better than seeing some sad old bear locked away in a zoo.

  6. Hello - thank you for linking to my blog today. What lovely people visited me from here xxx

  7. That's so neat, thank you for sharing that link to the bears! I'll be showing my kids that tomorrow.


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