4 September 2015

Weekend reading

I've been taking it easy these past couple of days and enjoying the spring weather.  I wish you all a lovely weekend. See you next week.

How to choose the most nutrient-packed foods at the farmers market
Turn leftover bread into a packed lunch triumph
Less is more
The strange and beautiful world of Soviet bus stops – in pictures
Western Australian organic farmer loses appeal over GM case cost
140 easy and free knitting patterns
The modern homestead: From city life to country life
This is a Russian blog - there is no translation - but it has some lovely appliqué and embroidery


  1. Hope you have a lovely, restful weekend Rhonda...just adore that blue flowered vase :) Jan x

  2. I don't always get to read all the weekend reading links but I have been off work sick for the last two days and I really enjoyed having the extra time. I really enjoyed the article about the couple in Canada and the photos of the Irish home were just breathtaking. I wasn't going to bother with the Russian embroidery but glad I did - just beautiful. With beautiful and interesting blogs like yours Rhonda I don't know why people buy magazines. I picked one up at the doctor's surgery yesterday and it was so disappointing. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy our gorgeous weather,

    1. Such lovely feedback, thanks Shangri La. I hope you're back to good health soon. xx

  3. wonderful links as usual, loved the embroidery & the Irish cottage, also the the couples new homesteading adventures, all a good read
    hope you are resting & catching up your energies
    take care over the weekend xxx
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  4. Having finally got the hang of how to get a comment onto this page I just had to write about Garrison Keilor. Many years ago when we lived on a farm at Biniguy near Moree, we would sometimes drive to Sydney with none or some/all? of our 4 children. I have fond memories of listening to the tales of Lake Woebegone as we drove home thru the night – what a sense of humour, I loved those stories.

    Talking about what we used to do – once we drove to Sydney in a Volkswagon beetle with a Labrador dog and baby in bassinet on the back seat – and no seatbelts! I look at a photo from that time and think – “did we really do that!” oh, such stamina, let alone no seatbelts! Now at age 79 and husband 85, living in Toowoomba, hale and hearty, but even a daylight trip to Brisbane is a BIG deal! byw baby survived and is now 50 years old and Labrador lived to ripe old dog age.

    Love your blog, started reading about a year ago; into simple stuff, inspired by your soap making and reaction to nasty commercial products, I made my own moisturiser and intend to make soap too. At present busy trying to lessen my stash by sewing table mats, casserole carriers, aprons etc for my stall at the Highfields Boutique Markets at the Highfields school hall during carnival week – it’s open for 5 days from Sat 19th – look for Giddy Gifts.

    Now I’ve found the secret of Yahoo whatsit I hope you to join in more regularly – and then find out how to join the forum!

  5. Good morning! I was wondering about the Soviet bus stops article - it takes me to the blogger site instead, or is it just my laptop? Hope you're enjoying the sunny morning too, it's beautiful up here near Pomona (upcoming treechanger no more, I've already moved).
    Will you let us know at some time whether we can pre-order your new book? Thanks Rhonda. Melindi

    1. It's fixed now, Melindi. I'll let you know about the book when I know more. :- )


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