24 September 2015

My favourite place #12

This is a weekly feature for readers to show us their favourite place at home. The photos this week come from Jocelyn in Canada and Jill in Australia. Thanks for sharing your photos with us, ladies

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Jocelyn writes:
I wonder how many people's pick will be the kitchen; my guess is it will be the favourite for many of us. The reason is a simple one, as always the kitchen is the heart of the home. It is where our food is prepared, where we gather for a coffee or a meal, or make a pot of tea. Such sustenance in so many ways for our lives. But my kitchen is my favourite room for a special reason. I live in the Canadian countryside on a 100 acre farm; here we have chosen to heat with wood. The winters in the Ottawa valley are very cold and our wood stove becomes a focal point of the house for the winter months. The wood stove is in the kitchen and we gather around it; I joke that we hug it in the mornings before the house gets heated through. 

My blog is called Canadian Needle Nana and I post daily about my life here on this land, the birds, flowers, garden, as well as the books I read, my needlework and of course, what I cook and bake in my kitchen. 

I've loved seeing your favourite rooms and here are a couple of photos of mine. Take care all.

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And on the other side of the world, much closer to where I live, Jill writes:

These two photos are of our north-facing front verandah. The wall without the doors keeps the westerlies away and the seats were built by my husband over 30 years ago. The bright colours are courtesy of our daughter-in-law who had them for a while. We live in the Lockyer Valley in South-east Queensland.



  1. Two different but both lovely rooms.

  2. love them both! i dream of having a veranda again one day & of cos it would also be very lovely to have a wood heater/stove for the winter too, even though it is no where as cold as canada.
    thanx for sharing your lovely spaces with us
    selina from kilkivan qld

  3. The shot of the open book with reading glasses on it makes me smile. That's a familiar scene around here.

  4. Thank you, Rhonda, for publishing my photos. It is a nice juxtaposition to have a home in Canada and one in Australia with such different climates.

  5. How lovely, so different but still home. I relate more to the Canadian one, lol, living in Michigan!

  6. Interesting how every one has a different room as their favourite, be it an indoor or an outdoor room.

  7. I can relate to both of these views,the wood fire is so inviting and they warm the whole house no doubt ! It looks similar to mine & I too have a black Labrador that loves to sleep next to the fire! Often I have to nudge her away if I want to have a warm myself !! And the verandah looks like a lovely spot to sit and have a coffee and or a nap ! Love,Love the colours,I am lucky enough to have a bullnose verandah all the way around my house with a few seats scattered too !! Thanks for sharing your views ladies !

  8. I'm a bit late to the 'favourite place party' but still wanted to say thanks to Jill and Jocelyn for sharing. The contrast between open and cosy is great and I could happily enjoy both spaces. Love the dogs hogging the heat, Jocelyn and your beautiful and colourful crocheted rug looks wonderful. Your verandah looks bright and comfortable Jill and the ideal place to sit out a long hot summer.


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