15 November 2013

Weekend reading

Are you getting yourself organised for the end of year holidays? I made up three bottles of ginger beer yesterday and today, I'll make a Christmas cake if I have the time. I hope you enjoy your weekend, take some time out for yourself to relax.

The passion of parenting
Guide to food forest planting in temperate zones
Spice angel tutorial
I am loving the Eda Shawl at Tread and Ladle
Gen Y have the best saving habits


  1. Since I got higher speed internet contention it lot easier to visit your links. I thought it was interesting about retirement. My hubby just retired a year ago in November. I still work part time. But I know people have trouble adjusting as I'm not just talking money.

    I've start some holiday baking. Doing it little different there 3 family once week I take a dozen goodies. Tomorrow, which will be Friday here and Saturday for you. I'm doing up batch of snickerdoodles cookies

    Coffee is on

  2. Yep - fruit has soaked for a couple of days and making another christmas cake today. We've eaten half of the first one - it'll be all gone by end of November let alone make it to xmas day - haha - and it's yum too.

  3. Good morning Rhonda. I had a peek at the 'How much do I need to retire at 60?' article but unfortunately I don't think we will make the grade so I can see some lean years ahead but I am sure we will cope. I hope you have been getting some of the rain from the storms and didn't get any damage. Our suburb missed the bad hail storm on Wednesday night but I believe there are plenty of cars in town that will be on their way to the repairers soon due to the hail damage. Our garden is very happy at the moment. Have a relaxing weekend.

    1. Chel, I had a bit of a giggle when I read that article. They suggest you need $60,000 a year to retire and to multiply that by how long you think you'll live. That is over $1,000 a week and if you've paid off your mortgage, why would you need that much? Of course there will be those people who want to travel, but that loses its appeal quickly. When you're older, you tend to be a home body. We live on a very small amount here. We have everything we need, we have private health insurance and we save money every week. The trick is to live on less than you earn and to save the leftovers and the more you withdraw from the consumerist model of living, the easier it is to do that. And from my experience, the happier you are.

      Very little rain here. :- (

  4. Just one thought about the gen Y savings article- anecdotally being a gen Y myself, I think that most gen Y actually don't seem to have very good saving habits, and seem to be used to a very "comfortable" life, with lots of spending and luxuries as the "norm". I suspect that many gen Y's actually save (as the article reported they save more than other generations) for overseas holidays at the end of the year, rather than other more long-term goals such as saving for a house etc... Just my 2 cents- I definitely seem to be very much the odd one out by not going on overseas holidays!

  5. Thanks for the link to that Self Reliance video. The poster of that channel has so many other great videos I cannot wait to watch as well.

  6. I always enjoy your Friday links, but I especially enjoyed the folks from Root Simple---self-sufficient in LA. "We think what we do is home economics." And what I saw from that couple was engagement, creativity, and vitality. Many thanks for posting that link!

  7. Yep, we've made our Christmas advent calender out of bits and bobs we already had and am working hard on lots of gifts for our homemade Christmas. Loving it!

  8. Really enjoyed the self-reliance video, too! Can't see the link for "what they do to food," but that sounds interesting as well.

  9. Thanks Rhonda for the weekend links as always. The "What they do with food" link in the first group doesn't go anywhere?


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