4 November 2013

Hello world!

The older I get, the more often I'm reminded of my own mortality. Hanno has very painful gout again. It came up out of the blue and has laid him low for the last couple of days. He has been prone to gout for many years and takes medication to lessen the chance of getting it but something triggered it again and the only thing to do is to keep weight off the foot, drink plenty of water and take the medication he's been given. He's got a walking stick, and that helps when he has to hobble in to go to the bathroom, but the main activity is rest. He doesn't like it at all. Luckily we had a visit from Kerry and Jamie and we all sat on the front verandah for a while to talk.

 Jamie with his many animals. When I ask how many animals he has, he always replies: "many".
Our meals were simple - this became coleslaw which we had with buttered herb pasta and sausages.
We had this on Saturday, chicken curry yesterday, with enough left for two more days.
This is how I do my ironing. I take my computer into the bedroom, where the ironing board is, and watch You Tube while I iron. On the weekend I watched 'Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner', a three part BBC series on the origin of mealtimes.

On this slow weekend, I've been watering the garden, cooking our meals, baking, getting glasses of water and cups of tea, ironing, reading, writing and knitting. As you know, I love resting but enforced rest is not as good and Hanno is an impatient patient. He needs scolding and reminding that's he's not 18, or 25, or 40, or 60 anymore. There are some wonderful things I love about getting older - I've developed a deeper understanding of myself and others. I see interesting linkages I never noticed before, or if I did, I didn't understand their importance. I am more tolerant and accepting. Nothing much phases me. If I see a problem, I fix it straight away. I always give a second chance, but never a third. I'm relaxed knowing that Jamie and Alex are my grandchildren and that they will carry on our genes. I'm settled and satisfied. I don't scare easily. My common sense has evolved and is thriving. I know I'm loved.

But on the other hand, when I look at Hanno and his swollen foot I am reminded that we are both wearing out. Our joints are not what they used to be, our bodies don't make the quick repairs of youth. Slowly we're approaching our 'best before' date. When you think about it, it doesn't matter how you live, what you do, how much money you have or who you know, every single one of us will grow old and die. If we're lucky. If we're not lucky we'll die earlier than we should and people will say, 'that's so sad'. I am hoping I've got another 20 or 30 years and that when I die they'll say 'she had a good innings'. But the truth is that even if I died tomorrow, I would feel satisfied and thankful that my life has brought me so much joy, that I've been surrounded by the most wonderful family and friends, and that for a little while I got to write to the world.

And now, it's Monday morning, another week of living ahead for all of us. Let's get on with it.  



  1. I hope Hanno feels better soon. Your ironing board cover caught my eye; the duvet and shams set on our bed is the same pattern. :)

  2. I hope you are both well. I always watch something while I'm folding our washing. Passes the time quicker.

  3. I hope Hanno is feeling well again soon Rhonda. My husband when he is ill ( which is hardly ever!) is a very impatient patient as well:)

  4. Often when there is a problem with the leg and foot area it has an intestinal link. Because of that lots of raw foods and tons of water should help to speed healing by detoxing what is causing the problem. Sciatica is the same and is a very common problem which can be helped the same way. I wish I had known this 30 years ago after the birth of our second child when I could hardly hobble around and was in constant pain. I understand how Hanno feels as it drive me nuts to be sidelined by anything. I hope he has a speedy recovery.

  5. Have a nice week ... hope Hanno gets well very soon.
    And i wish you a lot more years of writting to the world!

  6. I hope Hanno is on a quick mend. My hubby makes for a terrible patient. He also makes a terrible nurse-maid! He is lost when I am down and out. Thank goodness those are few and far between. I have been questioning my mortality since I have lost my father, and now both of my husband's parents. I try to imagine what folks would say as they stand at my grave side. I know morbid. I want people to say good things, and for that to happen I want to leave some sort of legacy behind for my children, grand children and friends. And that legacy would be how I lived in this world. How I treated Mother Earth, and folks around me, and to share what I have learned.

  7. Hope Hanno is feeling better and I think men in general are not very good at being sick. Ivtalways watch landline and gardening Australia while ironing the school uniforms. I'm productive and the time flies watching interesting shows. Have a good week. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

  8. Poor Hanno. I have spent years trying to keep my consumption of purines down but as I am older I am losing the battle. I dread the thought of gout. I am sure he is not en joying the rest but it is so necessary.

    I care for both parents. In fact you have seen my dad, He was sitting in your chair at your book signing in Dymocks in Brisbane. It was the only I could keep him from absconding. The golden years are not so golden for many.

    Blessings for you both.

  9. Yes Suze, I remember your dad in the chair. LOL

  10. Rhonda, being the same vintage as yourself I can relate to what you have said about ageing in today's post. That is not nice for Hanno having to be laid up with that dreadful gout. I just had a look in Isabell Shipard's herb book and one of the many herbs she recommends is Herb Robert but you probably already know that. I do hope that Hanno recovers quickly so you can both get on with your week.

  11. Hi Rhonda,
    sorry to hear that Hanno is not well. There is so much interesting information out there now about ageing well, and preventative medicine - I hope he can find something to relieve and prevent his suffering soon.

    Mortality is a subject that catches up with us all sooner or later. I think if we aim not to waste these precious days we are given, and be as loving as we can, we will probably be more at peace when our number's up. That said, I really love being alive, even with all of the challenges, and hope to have a good many years yet.

    Have a wonderful day, Madeleine.X

  12. Oh I hope the patient recovers soon - I know it is horrible - my hubby always eats a few cherries which seems to help - the bottled kind is fine, and of course plenty of water.

  13. Rhonda, my husband had very painful gout this time last year, and was able to become completely symptom free very quickly, by changing his diet, simply avoiding certain foods like tomatoes, vegemite and shellfish, most of the time. Obviously everyone is different, but the change was amazing. I hope Hanno feels better soon.

  14. Wonderfully said Rhonda. I recognise in myself many of the changes -- both positive and negative -- you see in yourself. I'm so glad we look increasing age in the eye and neither hide from it or usher it in. All good wishes to Hanno from all of us here, Tony's being slowed up at the moment too.

  15. Definitely cherry juice, the real type; not soda, helps; as does avoiding any alcohol and mushrooms in the diet.

  16. Read your post with interest. I'm a sixty six year old fella and had many similar thoughts following my wife being diagnosed with a life threatening breast cancer and having to watch her going through chemotherapy.
    I think all we can do is be thankful for the life we have had and live each day as we would have always liked to, but made every excuse on earth as to why we couldn't. I hope your husband makes a speedy recovery and thank you for being so honest.

  17. Hope you get well soon, Hanno! I can't stand "forced rest" either ;)

  18. I like how you say 'wearing out'. We say 'the wheels are falling off'. I think its a good thing to acknowledge aging. My husband doesn't, he ignores it and won't even get his eyes tested. I laughed when he took a photo of a pill bottle on his mobile phone so that he could enlarge the photo and read what it said. I think its better to face up to it like you do. A lovely post Rhonda. Cheers, Tanya

  19. I'm always telling my friends and family that my mind still tells me I'm 18 but my body says ... oh- so much older. I feel sorry for Hanno as I have terrible problems with arthritis in my left foot and it is making it very difficult to keep up with my walks and life in general. Take it as easy as you can Hanno and I hope your'e back on the mend asap. Nice to see you're encouraging us 'oldies' to embrace our new middle age, Rhonda. Sue

  20. Gout is so painful, I've seen my hubby nearly in tears from the pain. Does Hanno take Allopurinol (Zyloprim)? My husband is on 300mgs a day and has not had a bout of gout for several years now (he's 50 years old). We find that seafood is a good trigger for gout, that and overdoing it with alcohol which I doubt is Hanno's problem. I do hope its better soon.
    Yes, Rhonda, if you died tomorrow you will certainly have left a great legacy, a positive mark on the world, your family and community but I'm sure you'll be around a lot longer yet!

    Cheers - Joolz xx

    1. Hi Joolz, yep Hanno is taking Allopurinol. He thinks it was a tin of herrings that triggered it. Hopefully it will be gone soon.

      And thank you. :- )

  21. Little by little all of our friends are struggling with aging bodies, my husband and I included. I just turned 60 and my husband will soon be 62. The "Best By" date comes for us all, no matter how we try to evade it. The secret is to be as happy as you can, no matter what happens, and to love and be loved. I am happy knowing that my three children were raised with all the love I had in me, and that they are passing on that love to their own families. If I died tomorrow, that would be enough.
    Hope you feel better soon Hanno. Thank you for the heartfelt post Rhonda.

  22. My beloved Mother is 84 and she has decided on 95. Knowing her it wont be a day before or a day after, or God (they are on close speaking terms) will have some explaining to do. LOL.

  23. I'm so sorry to hear that your husband has been suffering with Gout. I have a friend whose husband has gout. He has been helped tremendously by using Tart Cherry. His Dr. is always impressed with his test results. Here is a link to the product he uses in case you think it might help your husband.


  24. I do hope that Hanno makes a speedy recovery. Yes our "best before date" is something we all have to face. Unfortunately, my husband's date came up 5 weeks ago, most unexpectedly and far too young at 50. Like you though, he always maintained that he if he went tomorrow, he would be more than happy as he had a happy and fulfilled life with wonderful family and friends.

    1. Ruby, I'm so sorry to hear of your profound loss. I doubt anyone gets over the death of a loved one but I hope you're coping well and that you have your family and friends around you.

  25. Hi Rhonda
    Hope Hanno is feeling better soon. It is one of those conditions where taking the tablets as soon as you realise what is happening gets it moved along more quickly. My husband gets the same despite being in his 40's and has done for 15 years at least. We think tomatoes set him off, and he loves them so much.but there, its always the way

  26. I'm sure you already know all of the possible remedies for gout but you mentioning it reminded me that quite a few people on the ex-pat discussion board Toytown Germany suffer from gout and started a thread on it a while ago. It seems that it's becoming more and more an issue, even for young people - the old sterotype of a port-swilling gentleman no longer applies, it seems. LOL. Anyway, if Hanno is laid up and bored, I thought he might like to take a look. That thread can be found at: http://www.toytowngermany.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=246745 and of course there are hundreds of other threads, too. Perhaps he might find it amusing to read some of the things that ex-pats go through in his old home. Anyway, eating cherries is mentioned a few times on that thread as being very good for gout. And someone also mentioned smothering their foot in quark and leaving it wrapped like that overnight and it bringing a lot of relief. Hope he feels better soon.

  27. I agree with you about aging, Lately, I have come to find beauty in every single day, no matter what it brings. I have lived longer than I will live now and it's a strange feeling.

    Thank you for your wise words.

  28. Rhonda,

    I work at a health food store and we sell LOTS of black cherry juice concentrate to gout suffers. It helps keep the Uric Acid levels lowered in the blood stream. It's the same as the tart cherry Georgene mentioned above. You start out with 2 tbsp twice a day to get in your system and then to maintain you take 2 tbsp a
    day. We have many who no longer take meds at all because of this juice. Another customer takes lime juice concentrate along with the cherry and he has had wonderful results.

  29. Hoping that Hano feels better soon.

    Your post today is wonderful. We are the same age.

  30. Thank you, Rhonda for the tip to watch Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner on YouTube. I really enjoyed the series and it was great to see Clarissa again, just lover her!

    Cheers - Joolz xx

  31. Oooh, gout is awful. I recall my Hubby last had it a few years ago. He's a tough cookie, but boy the gout really tested his pain threshold. I recall something about he thought he was eating too much red meat at the time. I guess if you're prone then who knows what may trigger it off. All the best Hano - hope you recover quickly.

  32. One of our friends has gout at the moment so I have been doing some research for him. Foods to avoid if you get gout are; some seafood, herrings, tuna, anchovies, beer, red meat, turkey and goose, sugary drinks, asparagus, cauli, spinach and mushrooms. More about gout and diet at this site; https://www.arthritisvic.org.au/Living-Well-with-Arthritis/Gout-and-Diet

    Hope Hanno recovers soon,



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