1 November 2013

Weekend reading

You guessed it. If I have time this weekend, I'll be clicking away on the needles. I hope you can do something you love on the weekend too.

Please check below for details of a Permaculture Course in the Lockyer Valley.

Off the grid - Dutch documentary 2011 in English with Dutch subtitles - youtube
Meet the farmer - Joe Salatin - you tube
Living pay cheque to pay cheque
Make your own wine
Libraries and books
Matchstick Lake - Beautiful images of the Canadian bush
Baby knits
Mia asks the question: What makes a house a home?
Eating well on a budget.
Pickled green tomatoes
How not to get tricked: Your favorite online safety tips

From comments here during the week
The quiet country house
Less noise, more green
Girls wear blue too


Stockyard Creek Community Hall, Lockyer Valley
Sunday 1st and Sunday 8th December 2013
9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Presented by Tom Kendall 

cp.stephens@skymesh.com.au or phone 4697 5306
This course will be free of charge, being fully subsidised by the Lockyer Valley Regional Council through their Community Environmental Grants scheme. The only cost to participants will be $20 per day to cover facility hire and catering.

Course outcome: participants will become more aware of methods to become resilient and efficient in their farming operations and will be inspired to become more self reliant.

Course outline:
Day 1

9 – 10.30 am
Introduction to the ethics and philosophy behind permaculture and definitions for terms commonly used in Permaculture.
11 – 12.30 pm
Relative location. How each element performs many functions and each important function is supported by many elements.
12.30 - 1.30 pm Lunch
1.30 – 3.00 pm
Efficient energy planning. How to effectively use biological resources in a permaculture system.
3.30 – 5.00 pm
Question time

Day 2
9 – 10.30am
Energy cycling to achieve closed cycle systems. Small scale intensive systems for urban and suburban permaculture applications.
11 – 12.30 pm
Accelerating succession and evolution. Diversity, edge effect and attitudinal principles in permaculture
1.30 – 2.30 pm
Resources and yield. Composting and effective soil management
3.30 – 5.00 pm
Question time.


  1. Permaculture course looks very interesting Rhonda. Shame I'm too far away. Hope you have a lovely weekend clicking away on those needles.

  2. Interesting article here on how to save money on heating during the winter for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere:

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi Rhonda,
    I always get a shock when I see weekend reading, where do the days go?
    I hope to be knitting too, as I've just had the splint taken off my broken finger - hooray!
    Have a lovely weekend,


    1. Oh, that's good news. enjoy your knitting, Madeline.

  4. Rhonda, Margy from our Simple Living Toowoomba group sent out an email about the Permaculture workshops and I was going to put a post on the DTE forum about it but you have saved me the trouble. It does look interesting although I probably won't get there.

    I hope you enjoy your weekend and get lots of knitting done. I guess you got some rain during the week during those storms so your garden should be looking good. We didn't get much here but a little is better than nothing.

    1. Margy sends me the newsletter too, Chel. It looks like a great course. They are such a strong community group it's great to see.

      We got about two hours solid rain but it really only dampened the topsoil. We need a few days of rain I think. Enjoy your knitting.

  5. Hi Rhonda, thank you for choosing me from you many, many comments. I hope you have a great weekend and that some of your readers find something worthwhile on my blog. x

  6. What a thrill to see my blog on your weekend reading list. Thank you so much for your support!
    All the best,

  7. Such pretty colors in your knitting basket!

  8. Oh Rhonda, thank you so much for this link. A reader of your blog stopped by mine and identified a plant for me! I have been wanting to know what this was for almost 3 years and she has revealed it as type of wild honey suckle that grows in France. I'm so pleased! Thank you.

    1. That's good, Tam! I should have linked three years ago. ;- )


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