5 April 2012

Happy birthday Jamie!

I love my family. We aren't perfect but we support each other, we show affection and love and there is a warm and comfortable thread that ties us to each other. We celebrated Jamie's first birthday last weekend and of course, there was a get-together of family and friends to mark this wonderful occasion.

(Sorry for the poor quality of the photos today. I just cleaned the lens. ahem. :- O)

Jamie with two of his cousins. They came over from Korea for a holiday and to be here for Jamie's big day.

Sunny and Jamie above. Below Sunny, her sister, Sarndra and Alexander watch while Jamie is dressed in his traditional Korean first birthday costume.

The jacket and hat didn't stay on long.

The first birthday in Korea is a big celebration with traditional costume, gold jewellery, flowers, gifts and a banquet, so that was coupled with our more casual Australian way. It was a good mix and a delightful party. Sunny, along with her mother and sister, cooked a delicious Korean meal that we all enjoyed. Shane and Sarndra made the most brilliant birthday cake in the form of a train and Sunny gave us all traditional Korean rice cakes to take home with us.

 Shane proudly holds his son, Alexander.
 And here are Opa and Grandma with Alexander. He's such a gorgeous baby.

Here is the cake made by Shane and Sarndra and the lunch banquet below.

Jamie wasn't quite sure of the decorations and costumes and he often had a puzzled look on his face but there were also lots of smiles and the chance to spend time with his cousins, surrounded by balloons and birthday cake and lollies. He is such a happy boy. I'm not sure how many birthdays I'll be around for. I hope to see him turn 21 and even 30, but if I don't, he can look back, maybe to this blog, and see how much he was loved by all of us and how his family came together to celebrate his first birthday. 


  1. What a lovely party :-)
    Happy Birthday Jamie x

  2. I can't believe it's been a year! Happy birthday, Jamie!

  3. Hi Rhonda...what a lovely post...First birthdays are very special...it's lovely that the family came together! And what a magnificent cake....Happy Happy first birthday Jamie!

  4. I love a post that begins with those words! Happy birthday Jamie! What a lovely family and a celebration to remember. Love the matching father and son pictures!

  5. Hi Rhonda,

    Long time reader here but I rarely comment... sorry about that! A big WOW on Jamie's birthday cake - I have a boy who will be 2 years old in just over a week who would LOVE that cake. Now to decide if I have the skills to do that!


  6. thank you for sharing those beautiful photos. You all look absolutely happy - what a handsome family, those little boys are just gorgeous :)

  7. Oh wow 1 already!...Both The lil Granbaby boys have amazing,amzing eyes! So very handsome! And that cake wow!!!!....But My tummy was rumbling looking at all the lovely asian dishes...yum yum!
    Happy Birthday to the Lil guy....You are all lucky to have one another

  8. That looks like such a lovely day! Thanks for sharing. I've been looking forward to this post since you first mentioned the party was at your house!

    I love the combination of a Korean banuquet and the famous WW train. I think it sums his family up perfectly. Multicultural, diverse, accepting, and very skilled!

  9. Your family is wonderful and the interaction among all of them is obvious in the pictures. Those two little guys are sooooo beautiful! How proud (justifiably so)you and Hanno must be.

    My oldest grandson will turn 19 in a couple of weeks...the time just flies by. No matter how long you have with these two grandsons, they will always remember you even without the blog, but what a great visual reminder it will be of your love for them.

    Diane in North Carolina

  10. What a post to warm the heart rhonda...i so wish we lived closer to family so we could experience more of these moments with the twins!
    How very special incorporating the traditions and food (which looks so yummy i might add!)for Jamie.
    I love the cake...i remember Mum making something similar for my brother many, many years ago!
    Thanks so much for sharing such a special family moment...a year goes by so quickly doesn't it?
    Have a lovely Easter Rhonda and Hanno!

  11. What a lovely day you must have had with your family, Rhonda. Happy Birthday to Jamie. Don't our grandchildren bring so much joy to our lives. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Oh I made my grandson a train cake for his 1st birthday too! It is wonderful to all be together to celebrate these milestones. Such a lovely family you have.

  13. What a lovely day! Happy birthday Master Jamie.

  14. Y'all throw the best parties. You are so blessed with beautiful family. Awesome cake and the Korean food pics make my mouth water. Happy birthday little one!

    brenda from ar

  15. Looks like a wonderful first birthday! I love how the two cultures are mixed to create an event to remember. Happy Birthday Jamie!


  16. Happy Birthday to you dear Jamie! May all your days be filled with the love and support of your wonderful family :)

  17. the boys are so handsome, they both look tallfor just being one. Is Alex teething? Grandpa and grandma look So happy : )

  18. Yes, Alex is teething. I think he has about 8 teeth now.

  19. Congratulations to your grandson and the whole family. The train cake is lovely. A talented family!

  20. What a lovely family you have. Grandkids are great, aren't they? The cake looks mega! I think Alexander is the spitting image of his granpa.

  21. Congratulations !!! Happy birthday to Jamie and good luck !!!
    Have a wonderful day. Hugs from The Netherlands.

  22. It looks like a very happy family. Congratulations!

  23. What a delightful cake. I have a daughter that is quite skilled at cake decorating, but it is a craft that eludes me!

    Such a happy milestone to treasure. Thank you for sharing your joy.

  24. You can sure see the resemblance between Shane and Hanno in the pictures! One is above the other and I can get both on my screen at the same time. It is extra wonderful that your family can get together to share such joyous occasions together. They boys are growing up so fast! Aren't grandchildren wonderful!!!!! :) Sarah

  25. Happy belated first birthday to Jamie! Gosh, I can't believe it has been a year already but then I look at Alex and my own little Ezekiel and remember when Sarndra and I were both still pregnant! I also recall that beautiful post you wrote about babysitting Jamie for the first time and what a wee little one he was then and how he is such a handsome big boy now (as Alex is too!!!) Time just flies by!
    Sarndra and Shane did a FABULOUS job on the cake! And I love that Jamie has a taste of both his cultural heritages on his birthday. Having come from a cross-cultural marriage myself, it's wonderful to grow up knowing a bit of both worlds so to speak.
    Am sending my love Rhonda and hoping you and Hanno are both well!
    Lusi x

  26. Hi Lusi, I added the link to Jamie's birth post to today's post.

  27. Happy Birthday Jamie! and what a wonderful Party!he's a lucky little Man,xx Carol

  28. In a hurry so haven't read all the comments, but can't believe how alike Shane & Hanno are. Hope it was a truly wonderful day - nothing like grandbabes to keep your adrenalin going. We;ve just had DGD8 for 3 nights - we are so enjoying our quiet night tonight!!!!
    Love & hugs xxxx


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