6 April 2012

Weekend reading

Earthships, what are they?  on You tube

If you like clog dancing or buck dancing, you'll love this. It all seems so familiar to me but I guess it's a look back in time for many of you.  Bluegrass music and clog dancing.

Are you living true to your environmental values, or trying to, and renting accommodation? Look at this great website: Green Renters Lots of tips and encouragement here.

The five regrets of dying. I've linked to this before but I think it's a good article to refer back to occasionally. It certainly refocuses me.

After reading Lusi's comment on yesterday's post about this post, I re-read it and decided to add it here. Thanks Lusi, happy Easter to you and your family. xx

Blogs found via my comments during the week

Melissa - Melissa has a beautiful garden and blog. Do yourself a favour and check it out, it's more than gardening.

Africanaussie has been transplanted from the heat in Africa to the heat in tropical Queensland, Australia. There is so much to read here - permaculture, food production and crazy tropical plants.

If you celebrate the religious holidays, I wish you a happy Easter or Passover. Whatever you do over the coming days, I hope you're with people you love and you enjoy yourself. Thanks for your visits during the week, I look forward to seeing you again on Monday.


  1. You have me in tears here today. For months I have been looking for a cute doll pattern for my little girls. I love, love, LOVE the Wardolf dolls you have as part of your Readings for this week. Thank-you again Rhonda.

  2. Good morning Rhonda. You had an early start today, even by your standards! The article on regret is a great reminder. I enjoy looking around these links when I have a quiet weekend. Thankyou. Happy Easter.

  3. Your book is my weekend reading - it arrived from Fishpond today and I am so excited - planning to have a break over the Easter weekend and dive into it! Thanks for sharing the links, though - I now follow Ivynest because I found it through your links.

    Morgan in UK x

  4. Rhonda.... I have another link for you. I think you will love this treasure of a video of a simple life lived well. So simple and so beautiful. http://vimeo.com/31733784

    Happy weekend to you! I have knitting, sewing, baking and family gatherings on the agenda.


  5. Rhonda - I was a clogger, but there is no where here now that does it, - it was great fun

  6. Hi there

    I'm a clogger and love it. Great for fun and fitness and you dont need a partner! Check out the Australian Clogging Association website.


  7. I came for a look at your blog this morning because of the picture of the bread - I have been making my own bread constantly for over two weeks now.
    Instead I went and read the article "five regrets of dying" Its really important in my life right now - to scale things back...it really hit home - so thankyou for sharing.

  8. I bought 2 of your books and have given one to a colleague yesterday as a farewell gift, as she is changing jobs. She just sent me an sms saying it was the best present ever! Enjoy your Easter with the family.
    I enjoy the links you post, I already knew African Aussie, as I too lived in South Africa before coming to Australia. Melissa´s garden blog looks wonderful too, so I think I will start to follow her too...So much to read, so little time...

  9. Thanks to your first link we ended up watching Garbage Warrior on You Tube last night.

  10. Thanks so much for sharing these great links.

  11. Thank you for reminding me of the Five Regrets of Dying. Time to work on it before it's too late. Happy Easter to you and Hanno. Jean.

  12. Rhonda,
    thanks so much for the mention - we had guests for the long weekend and I didn't get to catch upon my blog reading.... so only just found this post.

  13. Hi Rhonda, thank you for your inspiring blog... it's fascinating. I have been trying to cut back myself over recent month, to save and to make life simpler. I've stopped thinking I have to go to the supermarket every week, that I can use up what's in the freezer instead, and make sure the veg from the veggie box doesn't go to waste. The tip on keeping celery fresh was brilliant - the number of bunches I've had to throw because I can't get through it fast enough is too numerous to bear thinking about. You ask some great questions and give some awesome answers. Thank you for these links too! :)

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