20 September 2010

Birthday photos

Just a short note to update you on the past couple of days of birthday celebrations. Tricia arrived on Thursday and while Hanno and I were out on Friday morning buying the meat for lunch, Tricia stayed at home to tidy up. When we came back she'd removed all the rags from my rag bag and told me that quilters in Sydney would give their eye teeth for the soft cotton squares in there. She took them all out and, true to form, started sewing. She made me an absolutely beautiful table cloth using the rags and fabric scraps. The rest of the squares are in my sewing room and I now have an empty rag bag.

On Saturday we had family and friends over for a barbeque lunch. We started off with homemade guacamole and corn chips, followed by fillet steak cooked on the BBQ by Shane, accompanied by salads and bread. Dessert was a hazelnut torte and a chocolate torte - both bought from the German bakery. For drinks we had beer, juice, champagne, Irish pear cider and an apple cider Scrumpy called Old Rosie.

Hanno, me, Tricia and our friend Diane.

DIL Cathy, step son Jens, DIL Sarndra and son Shane.

Hanno and I.

A simple table with the table cloth Tricia made in the foreground.

Hanno and his son, Jens.
Our son Kerry.

God daughter Casey.

It was lovely seeing Hanno surrounded by his family, enjoying the talking and laughter. Tricia and Hanno helped me with the setting up and decorating and although we dined in very humble surroundings, on the back verandah surrounded by an old washing machine and fridge, it was beautiful and memorable and made all the better because we spent so little on the party. Family age milestones such as decade birthdays are always great celebrations and I'll remember this one because of the warmth and love, kisses and hugs that were so abundant.

Our nephew Daniel.

The photo above is my nephew Daniel, one of Tricia's sons. He owns the Springwood Florist in NSW and gave Tricia this beautiful pink waratah to bring up for me. Isn't it stunning. Thanks Danny!



  1. I'm so glad Hanno had a wonderful birthday - you all look like you are enjoying yourselves so much. Thank you for sharing the photos.

  2. What a fab day, thank you so much for sharing it with us

  3. Looks like a wonderfully simple affair. Just my kind of thing surrounding by caring, loving friends and family. Happy Birthday Hanno. I love the tablecloth and the waratah is to die for.

  4. ♫♪Happy Birthday Hanno♬♫♪
    I love the happy pictures.
    The memories of your time together will be the hearts of love around the table. What a lovely family!

  5. I love the tablecloth, too. It just seems the perfect expression of you and the people in your care.

  6. Happy Birthday to Hanno. It looks like a lovely celebration. One filled with love.

  7. Looks like a lovely afternoon enjoyed by all. I do love the tablecloth! Thanks for letting us have a peek at Hanno's day.

    Cheers - Joolz

  8. What a wonderful day Rhonda so beautiful and truly special to have all your clan together for Hannos Birthday. The menu sounds delicious and you have one clever sister. I love the tablecloth. Thank you for sharing


  9. Thanks for sharing the photos of Hanno's special day. Family times together are so special.
    Love the table cloth, pretty fabrics and really to nice to be used for cleaning rags.
    Rhonda, I used your pasta recipe on Sunday. I usually find it such a fiddle to get my dough just right. Of course my recipe uses more ingredients, so I decided to try yours as it looked so simple. Well it was simple and the concensis was that it was the best homemade pasta we had ever eaten. I must explain that my husband is Italian and my mother in law who has made so much pasta over the years is with us at the moment and she was very very impressed. A real winner Rhonda!!!!!! Thanks so much for your generosity in sharing your recipes.
    Blessings Gail

  10. Looks like a lovely day! Still enjoying your archives but a treat to find an update. Karen from CT

  11. The tablecloth is SO beautiful - reminds me of the curtains Vintage Vix is sewing (her blog can be accessed via my thrifty style blog.) The word "humble" invokes such warmth and security in me. It is a "loaded" word - rich and full.

    Happy birthday to Hanno. "Waratah" is a NEW one to me...

  12. what a lovely day you all must have had.
    I love the tablecloth, so pretty.

  13. What a beautiful setting! Everyone looks so happy. Happy birthday to your husband. And I LOVE that photo of the two of you :)

  14. Looks like everyone had a lovely time...Happy Belated Birthday to Hanno!!!

  15. Food, friends, family and flowers.

    Simply Perfect.

  16. What a lovely day you had! The tablecloth is beutiful. I recently went back to my old 'home' to visit friends at the weekend and it was so nice to catch up with everyone- made me realise how much I miss them!

    Glad you had a lovely weekend and time off from your blog. :)

  17. What a lovely day! Thank you for sharing, I am sure Hanno had a lovely birthday because of his loving family.

  18. What a lovely day, surrounded by family and friends. There is no better way to celebrate a milestone! I love the table cloth your sister made! Boy does that set the wheels spinning in my mind! :)


  19. It looks and sounds like you all had a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing.

  20. What a wonderful time. I love birthday parties with family. It looks like you hard a great time.

  21. Rhonda - a beautiful family and wonderful memories made! AND the tablecloth is lovely, too - will have to dig my rags out...

    Good luck with Penguin! We'd all love to have a book of yours!

  22. Looks as if you all had just a perfect day!
    Nice to see all those smiling faces!!

  23. belated birthday wishes to the birthday boy!

    Great news about your book Rhonda!

    Love Leanne

  24. Every things sounds and looks yummy.

    Coffee is on.

  25. How generous of you to share these pictures of Hanno's birthday celebrations with your blog readers. It looks just like such an occasion should full of family and friends and home-made things. The table cloth looks soft indeed, a real treasure.

  26. You have such a lovely family! I'm so glad that Hanno enjoyed his special day. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  27. Beautiful table-cloth. What a good idea!

  28. Looks like a lovely celebration.

    Happy belated Birthday, Hanno! Best wishes for health & many more birthdays!
    My apologies for the belated-ness, but the baby finally arrived! Yay. :-)

    The tablecloth is stunning!

  29. Oh, it looks like such a beautiful day and a wonderful party. I love the table cloth. So glad you had a nice day with your family close around you. Those are the memories that stick with you. Thanks for posting pictures!

    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  30. Time spent with family are the best...
    No matter the surroundings!
    You have a lovely family!


  31. Well.. it looks like a really lovely birthday. Wonderful photo's, they speak for themselves.

  32. Looks like ya'll had a wonderful time! I also wanted to share with you that I made your whole orange cake today.--Delicious!

  33. Hi Rhonda,

    Am looking forward to 'spring cleaning" the garden in this year. I am in a rented house and just want to tidy everthing up and prepare it for new growth in the spring!! Am making do with a pair of old, taped together tin snips at the moment so would love the chance to use some Friskars!

  34. Absoulutly beautiful. The table is beautiful, the flowers lovely and the table cloth Tricia made, WOW! Everyone looks so happy.


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