31 March 2008

Shopping tote swap

Hello ladies. No, I did not fall off the ends of the earth, I spent Spring Holiday in California visiting old friends and my youngest daughter. I will post a couple of photos later. I just wanted to remind everyone that the deadline for the shopping tote swap is Wed., April 2. I would also remind all the swappers to make sure they have the correct address for their swap buddy through a quick e-mail. When each of you receives your parcel please take a photo of the tote and e-mail it to me including your name and your buddy's name. I will be posting them on the blog as I receive them, so keep a look out for yours. This swap was very large and we will have a lot of photos to post. I also wish to thank all the ladies who have been so wonderful! I have several ladies that have taken extra swap buddies and everyone has been so sweet as I have fixed up glitches-this swap has been such a joy for both Lorraine and I. Rhonda wanted me to choose the most creative tote, but that is going to be very hard and if the totes are anything like the tea cosies-everyone would win!! Rhonda, Lorraine and I will be starting another swap Fri. April 4, but this is a bit different in that it is a heritage seed swap, so there is no crafting and everyone who decides to join will swap within their country. I will be explaining the Seed Swap on Fri., April 4. Please start thinking of ideas for our next craft swap-so far we have dish towels and pin cushions mentioned, so if you have an idea that you would like to share please e-mail me (cdetroyes at yahoo dot com) and remember that swaps are for learning a new skill or practicing an old skill and even better- meeting a new friend so if you have an idea please let us know!! Happy Swapping! Sharon and Lorraine


  1. ACK! Mine will be late then...as I was sure they needed to be mailed by April 5! I'll HURRY!

  2. I had emailed Lorraine, I think, that I hadn't gotten the snail address from my swap partner. Today I heard from her mother that she was afraid I wasn't getting her emails, even though our first three or four emails worked perfectly. I discovered that three emails from Liz had gone into my bulk folder! But all's well that ends well. This is my first swap and I'm really enjoying it.

  3. Thanks Kristi and Julia no worries, we have a good number that are sending a bit late, just like every swap. Check in wit your buddy and don't stress-just have fun with the swap!!

  4. I haven't gotten my partner's snail mail address yet -- the tote will go out (with all it's new-sewer-goodness) whenever I get it. :-)

  5. Ruthie-you are not alone-I have e-miled my swap buddies this week for their addresses and still ave not gotten an answer. One piece of advice-several ladies hadn't checked their spam or junk e-mail box and lo and behold there were their buddies emails if that helps at all.

  6. I wish I had known about this swap, I would love to have taken part..........


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