4 November 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

Today I have berries on my mind. A generous friend gave me two youngberry plants during the week. The photo above is a spray of the not-quite-ripe berries. We're going to plant them in our orchard along the fence line. Youngberries grow well here and fruit in early summer. I usually make two types of jam during the year and hope youngberries will replace our strawberry jam in the future because we won't have to buy the fruit.

Thank you for your visits this week. It's always a joy for me to read your comments and to know there is a growing number of us, all over the world, slowing down and simplifying our lives.

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