19 November 2011

Weekend reading

I've just discovered Green Journey and what a find! It's full of interesting and helpful information and inspiring stories written by people who are living true to their simple values.  It's well worth a visit.



  1. What a fantastic resource. Thanks for sharing, I am about to share this and your link on my blog too. Thank you x

  2. Thanks for the link! I've been reading through some of the stories and information, and you're right....definitely a good read!
    I also wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very Happy and blessed Thanksgiving. I hope it's full of family, love, and lots of good food! :)

  3. Hi Rhonda and to your readers ...
    Firstly, thanks for sharing Green Journey with other like-minded people who love living simply, greener and more sustainably. Our humble project is a labour of love - for our community and for educating, inspiring and sharing what we know with others who want to change the way they live, one small step at a time. We are a few passionate volunteers with a common vision trying to help others on their ‘green journey’.
    Have added your wonderful blog on our Helpful Links page to share the love and inspire our subscribers and readers to hop over here and absorb themselves in more wholesome ways to live a better life and of course, to upskill!
    Thank you again for your support. If any of your readers have inspiring stories they would like to share we'd love to hear from them via our website.
    Warm regards,
    Anne Gibson, Founder - Green Journey


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