I have some exciting news and a photo to share with you today. I have wanted to show you this for the longest time and I finally have the go-ahead from my publisher, Penguin. My book will be published on 22 February 2012, it's a hard cover and will cost $39.95. Here is the beautiful cover. It was designed by Allison Colpoys, Greg Elms took the photographs. The page design is by Nicki Townsend but I can't show you her work yet. I love it so much, even now, after first seeing the cover so many months ago and having my own copy of the book here. Every time I see it, I smile.
See what I mean! It just suits our topic so well.
The first photo is the high resolution shot sent from Penguin. The second two are photos I took of the book I have here. The photo quality isn't as good but I wanted to show you the spine and back cover as well. They help tell the story of the book at a glance. I love the buttons sewn on the spine, the wooden spoon and scissors blend so well with the peg, string and egg on the front cover. I think it's beautiful, but then I'm biased.
I remember the day my editor, Jo Rosenberg, sent me my advance copy. I froze when I saw the parcel, unsure about whether I would like the look of the finished book. I'm not good with saying I'm happy with something when I'm not. What if I had to promote a book I didn't like the look of? Well, I shouldn't have worried, I opened that packet and fell in love with it. I love the feel of it - it feels like a linen cover. I love look of it, not only the words I've written but every single atom of it - cover to cover. I am so proud to call it 'my book'.
What do you think?
ADDED LATER: I'm not sure about overseas sales. I will sell some from my blog and Hanno and I are happy to post world-wide if we are asked to. As soon as I know more, I'll let you know.