16 November 2011

What's happened?

I'm worn out and too tired to write today. I'll be back tomorrow.


  1. Wishing you a gentle day with plenty of rest.

    Take Care,

  2. I hope that you are able to get some rest - don't over tire yourself!

  3. You just need a rest Rhonda. Have one! Relax, enjoy yourself.

  4. Hope you are re-energised soon, bless you Rhonda as you guise so many each day, you are allowed some days off!

  5. Take care and look after yourself, Rhonda. You're very precious! God bless, Chris x

  6. Rhonda you need to recharge your batteries it happens to the best of us.

  7. Hope you have a lovely restful day, just what you need to recharge your batteries.

  8. Hope all is ok Rhonda....enjoy a well deserved rest and listen to what your body is obviously telling you!Take care xx
    Jode x

  9. Rhonda I hope it's just being busy that has made you tired and you aren't coming down with one of the summer viruses going around. Sometimes we need a day off to re energize. Hope you feel energetic again soon.

  10. Funnily enough, I just thought of you (at 6am) here in Brisbane, getting up at 4am every day. I thought, I hope she gets to bed early, or gets a Nana nap, as I certainly could not cope with that extremely early rising time.

    Have a good rest / sleep and we will miss your usual thought provoking start to the day.

  11. Dear Rhonda, take care!

    blessings, Ellen

  12. Hope you're OK Rhonda - I read regularly but comment seldom, but miss you when you can't post. x

  13. Fairy from Organised CastleNovember 16, 2011 6:32 am

    Take care of you, Rhonda. Hugs and love.

  14. Good morning Rhonda. I hope all is okay and that you are tired because you have been having fun. Take care and I look forward to reading tomorrow's post.

  15. Never mind Rhonda, tomorrow is another day and I hope you are feeling more chipper then.Take it easy :) Kathy R

  16. A busy bee like you does have a great deal of entitlement to rest. Enjoy your break.

  17. That's not like you, Rhonda :-)
    Hope all's ok and I wish you a relaxing and happy day.


  18. Please take care of yourself. Never stretch yourself too thin. We all need down time to regain our strength and feel refreshed. Just enjoy a cup of tea with Hanno and relax. There are just some days a nice long nap is the best thing for us. Sarah

  19. Rest and recharge, Rhonda. Sending a hug from me.


  20. Sounds like a chair and knitting day for you Rhonda! Take care of yourself, Much love Julia in Bowen

  21. {{{hugs}}} Rhonda, hope you are well and not coming down with something.

  22. Take it easy and get some rest. <3

  23. Have a good rest today Rhonda, it's been pretty hot around here too, last night was very hot, and the heat can take it out of us....take care

  24. Hi Rhonda:)
    I think you should take off more than a day!!!I cannot even imagine how much of your time is taken up by writing your blog.You have provided your readers (me too:) with such inspiring and informative articles!!Thank you sooo very much:)have a wonderful rest:)Carleene

  25. Thinking of you. Take it easy.

  26. Rhonda try and find somewhere cool and not humid. The weather is ridiculous right now. Rest up and feel more like yourself soon.

  27. I think you're wonderful! Thanks for all you do to inspire us!

  28. Hi Rhonda Jean, I hope you had a good day relaxing. It is good to take a day off from certain tasks from time to time. Also, CONGRATS about your book coming out very soon.Job well done. Sincerely, Emily

  29. Oh yes, the heat! Some of your delicious lemonade will feel good and a little kiddie pool to sit in while you sip it should help the hot, hot days! We are snuggled in by the woodstove fires at this point as the cool, damp weather settles in here. Rest easy and know we are also nourished by your plans to take a day off!

  30. Hi RJ

    I can relate to how you feel! Hope you are feeling better after a day of rest and relaxation.
    Lis xx

  31. Hi Rhonda,
    hope you're feeling back on top of things soon.

  32. Hope you are ok Rhonda. Take a good vitamin supplement and in no time you will be ok.
    I work in the health food industry and emeil me if interested. You only need to take 2 products to feel great. My mum who is always active went through the same thing and now she is great.
    my email: norm.lenks@optusnet.com.au.

    Love your blogg. I grew up without my grandparents here (all in Macedonia)and I am learnign so much from you about back to basics. Thank you


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