The past week has been a mix of tranquility, visitors and grandchildren, and now here we are, ready to begin a new year. I'm looking fo...
Christmas Eve morning, Santa will be getting ready to leave about now, so it's a good time to wish you all a very happy Christmas. Whet...
My new book, The Simple Home , was delivered to me a few days ago. I spent time over recent days looking at it and remembering the relent...
It's only a couple of days until Christmas and I hope you've got your menu planned and all your goodies ready, or almost ready. It&...
Hello my friends. I was away longer than I thought I would be. I had a much needed rest, started a new Maggie rabbit, prepared a few things...
It's been a while since I wrote about bread. We don't eat as much bread as we used to when we had sandwiches for lunch. We have...
It's that time of year again when I slow down a lot, think about what I've done this year and consider the worth of what I'm do...
Well, the first week of summer has been and gone and was marked in my traditional way - eating fresh yellow peaches. I think many of us mar...
We had a great weekend with a nice balance between work and relaxation. Jamie was here yesterday and he enjoyed helping us clean out kitche...
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