I've had a few emails recently asking about aquaponics so I thought I might do an aquaponics post, even though we sold our system three...
I am a firm supporter of my local Landcare group - Barung Landcare. This week in Australia is Landcare week and they've asked me to high...
Today I am featuring the last of the 'this is where I work" photos and travel to Laura Jeanne's home in Canada to see just what...
I am alone at the moment. It's 5.35am, Sunday. Hanno has gone to the farmers' market to buy a few seedlings and fruit, it's qui...
My friends at Radio National's Future Tense sent this link to their program on The Slow Movement . It's an interesting broadcast ab...
I often write here about building up our stockpiles, creating gardens full of fresh vegetables and making, rather than buying, many of the r...
You all know I love Winter but it's the second day of Spring today and we're in those transition days from cool to warm.  It's a...
There are changes happening all over the world now that I think will benefit us all in the long term. Many of us are thinking more about ho...
I usually receive a few emails every week asking for more from scratch recipes. I cook every day, so there is no shortage of recipes. On th...
I continue to receive emails asking how to cut down on spending and if there is one good way to do it. Well, no, there isn't, it's...
As most of you know, I will be a first time grandmother early next year. I want to help prepare for the birth and supply some of the many t...
We all seem to be on the same page when it comes to retirement and we all know that if your 20 or 70, simple living will help you live well ...
I'm not sure about other countries but in Australia now, if you're in paid work, you'll pay into a compulsory superannuation/r...
I sat down with my knitting last Sunday afternoon and watched the second half of a TV program on SBS called The Grey Tsunami. I missed the...
Today we're travelling to South Africa to visit Wendy who is living simply on her urban homestead, homeschooling her four children. We a...
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