My name is Fiona and I lay blue eggs. Our  Araucana , Fiona, starting laying her delicate pale blue eggs two days ago. She's been...
There was a common misconception when we were on the book tour that the way Hanno and I live works best for older people who have the time ...
I had an email from a reader last week asking two questions: If you were to start over again, what activities would you start with first...
Earthships, what are they?   on You tube If you like clog dancing or buck dancing, you'll love this. It all seems so familiar to ...
I love my family. We aren't perfect but we support each other, we show affection and love and there is a warm and comfortable thread th...
Yesterday I wrote about making camembert cheese in the home kitchen. We got to the point where the milk had turned from liquid to curds and...
The last time I made camembert cheese was on 19 May 2007. This is what I said after doing it: The entire process took all day and half...
There is no doubt that living as we do and trying to stay on budget presents us with many decisions. Do we buy organic? Do we buy local? Do...
Every week from now on I'm including links to two regular commenters on my blog in my weekend read post. It helps spread the love aroun...
Just a short post today because I'm a bit busy, but I do have a few things to update you on.  Most readers would know that Sharon w...
After sorting through all the comments, and because some swappers did not communicate with their partners or decided not to participate aft...
I guess that most people reading here every day would be working people - either out in the wide world earning money and/or at home running...
According to the Wikipedia, value adding refers to "extra" feature(s) of an item of interest (product, service, person etc.) that...
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