Briget, are you in the swap or is it just Jennie? Jennifer, can we have your daughters name or initials, or maybe an online name? Mrs MK, I ...
The beautiful quilt pictured above is one my sister, Tricia, is working on. She usually gives her quilts away but this one will be kept and ...
Good morning everyone! It's Wednesday morning so this is a reminder that the swap will close in a few hours. If you want to join in, p...
If you're wondering why I have a jug with a strainer and a jar on top, I'm making quark cheese. It's a sad and cruel fact that i...
This is the call for swappers in the third Down to Earth swap. Our first swap was for knitted dishcloths, then we swapped napkins. I am aw...
It's going to be 31C (88F) here today so we've both been out early in the garden. It was just a bit of tweaking, watering and checki...
I love jars. I do store some things in plastic, but if it will fit in a jar, that is where it goes. This is my jar cupboard. Many of the jar...
I'm feeling much better this afternoon. It's almost 4 o'clock and I've had the most blissfully lazy day. I even had a sleep,...
There have been many times in my life when I've felt like giving up, but being the queen of stubborness, I refuse to do it. Once I'...
As most of your know Hanno and I took the plunge a few years ago and stopped working. We now use the hours we used to sell to others on ours...
My sister started her long drive home this morning after two weeks of merriment, sharing, eating, remembering and sewing together. I sent h...
I'd like to start a new swap next week but I want all swappers to have their napkins before we go on to another swap. Please comment if...
These photos were all taken this morning. Early morning, before the sun hits the vegetables, is the best time to walk around looking for bu...
It never occurred to me when I was a spender that I was actually giving away my independence. I thought the opposite. I believed I was ...
I read the following quote for the first time on Jewel's blog. It really sums up, in an eloquent way, how I feel about my home. If you w...
Here are the curtains Tricia made. I'm really pleased with them, they feel fresh and make the kitchen look bigger. I noticed that Hanno ...
Tricia's husband died suddenly a few years ago and she's spent the past couple of years deciding whether she would sell the family h...
She thought I was sitting in a lounge chair stitching, but I was quietly taking this photo. If you're wondering, that little white box ...
This is when your simple life starts. At this very minute. If you've decided you want to change the way you live and intend to make a pl...
I am way overdue answering emails and comments. With my sister here I don't have the spare time throughout the day when I usually answer...
Many people want to live simply but don’t know how, or where, to start, or even what simple living really is. The simple answer is that simp...
Mrs mk from Polly Chookasmum from Sharon Emme from Kathleene It is now 2½ weeks since the posting deadline for the napkin swap. All the n...
I have been amazed and delighted in these past few months to see the mainstream media finally give time and space to the problems associated...
I've had a few emails recently from people wanting to simplify but they don't know what their first step should be. No matter what s...
Congratulations Peggy . I'll be sending you the simple living stitchery. If you send me your postal address, I'll get it in the mail...
Today is a day of preparation for me because aside my normal daily chores, I’m preparing for the arrival of my sister. We’ve finished breakf...
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