I'm sure many of you feel this too, the luxurious freedom you have when you can do whatever you want to do, everyday. It's difficul...
We had afternoon tea in the garden with friends this week. It was nothing fancy but it was enjoyable and memorable. It doesn't take ...
Let's just make this clear at the beginning. I LOVE the internet. In my opinion, the internet is the single most important innovation ...
I've loved pink onions, on and off, for a long time but I seem to be making them more now. I thought I'd write about them today bec...
It's been a busy week here so now I'm looking forward to the weekend and a slower pace of life.  Next week should be filled wit...
Gracie had her first grooming session on Tuesday. The groomer said she is too young to be properly stripped but she had a fair amount of ...
I was contacted by "Jenna" last week asking for help with a major life change. Jenna is a nurse, five months pregnant with her fi...
Here she is, five minutes ago, on the back verandah. Life with Gracie has been wonderful. She taught herself to roll over (very cute) ...
This time of year is about gardening for us, even with our smaller garden. We start our gardening year in March and all through the cold m...
This is the culprit. Gracie, caught red-handed removing rubbish from the compost heap. This time it was a banana sucker - she was ...
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