11 November 2016

Weekend reading

We had afternoon tea in the garden with friends this week. It was nothing fancy but it was enjoyable and memorable. It doesn't take much to make a memorable afternoon. It's usually just the opportunity, some effort and a place to sit and talk with lovely people - it's a magical combination.

Thanks for being here this week. I'll see you again soon. ♥︎

Revisiting Winnie-the-Pooh
A meat-free Turin? Is Italy’s first 'vegetarian city' a recipe for disaster?
55 sewing crafts to make and sell
Lego cord holders - every cord is awesome
Maria Pellicci, the Meatball Queen of Bethnal Green
Food Lovers Guide to the Planet - Bread:  you tube
California mother faces jail time for selling homemade food on Facebook
I'm going to do this to a few pillowcases over summer - RoseHip
11 delicious things you can make with a can of chickpeas


  1. Rhonda, that picture is perfect. I love that it's so real.

  2. The link to 55 sewing crafts to make and sell has plenty of easy to make Christmas present ideas. I hope you have a lovely weekend Rhonda.

  3. Ha ha Rhonda, it's a pity you couldn't get a photo of Gracie under the table chewing on our feet :-) It was a lovely afternoon tea. Have a relaxing weekend.

  4. My daughter made the meringues from the chick pea liquid a few months ago and they were delicious!

    It looks like a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. It is hard to find others here who do not work during the day to have such a gathering so I am enjoying yours by pictures.

  5. How true - most memorable and enjoyable - thank you.

    It is a simple thing that anyone can do. Don't stress about your house, garden etc, just chat and enjoy.

  6. A tea party in the garden. How lovely, Rhonda! I expect Gracie had quite a time with all your visitors. I hope to have time this weekend to look at the sewing link and to make more of the little ricotta and lemon biscuits you linked to last week. They are delicious and so easy to make. Have a lovely weekend. Meg:)

  7. That little lizard is now probably the most famous baby iguana ever. The photography is amazing and intensifies the drama.

  8. Loved the reading list, Rhonda.. The bread youtube was awesome !! Your tea party looked like so much fun and delicious, too.. xo

  9. When you wrote that you were having friends to tea I hoped that you would take a picture of the tea table. I don't know why, but it's very satisfying to see all the details in this picture! Beth in MN


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