Gracie was dreaming and making little barking noises when I decided to take this photo just now. When I had the camera ready, her little ...
Hello strangers. It's been like dominoes falling during these passed weeks. One thing lead to another and sometimes we didn't know ...
Many of you contact me about Gracie and want to know more about her. Here she is with her lead on waiting to be taken out. I'll have ...
Dear friends, I thank you for your patience. The stats tell me that several thousand of you are visiting everyday during my break so I tho...
This is one of my roses - Summer Memories. Just around the corner from this, Cecile Brunner is flowering her heart out. I'll save her...
The garden we have today looks different to those we had in the past.  We're in the process of preparing for older age while we continu...
Like you, I put a fair bit of time into my home. Doing the housework here allows us to live in relative comfort and to invite our family an...
This is my one and only vase of sweet peas this year. I had to pull them out to make way for the cucumbers over the garden arch. They are...
I sometimes have a quiet laugh at myself for something I've said or written. Yesterday I was reading through an old list of chores I...
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