16 October 2017

Dear everyone

This is one of my roses - Summer Memories. Just around the corner from this, Cecile Brunner is flowering her heart out. I'll save her photo for another day.

Dear everyone, we have a lot happening here at the moment so I won't be writing my blog for a while. Everything is fine but blog writing is at the bottom of the list. I feel like a break anyway so now is as good a time as any.  

Rose's husband Tony called in for afternoon tea a couple of days ago. He's sold their house and is up here looking for a new home to settle in with Mavis, Rose's mum. She's still in good health and is back in Wollongong.

I'll be back when things settle and there is more time for writing. Take care. xx


  1. A break is often needed, from all things, when the time is right i look forward to your return.
    Thanks for the update on Tony and Mavis. I think of Rose often, usually when i am following my morning routine. I am glad to hear they are both well. Rose's legacy will live through them and the many people she touched around the world through your forum and her blog.
    Cassandra xx

  2. I hope Tony and Mavis will soon find a good house. Happy to hear Mavis is in good health.

    I look forward to reading new posts when you come back.
    Take care.


  3. We'll be here looking forward to reading your next blog when you are ready to write it.
    At that point we'll do a little leap for joy that a friend has returned.
    In the meantime enjoy your home and family and don't feel pressured to start writing.
    I know it's coming up to your summer, a good time to take a break and to take stock
    Of everything. Sue

  4. Rhonda thanks for the update on Tony and Mavis. I often wonder how they are going. You sound busy so look forward to hearing from you on your blog again when you have time. Enjoy the rain and cooler weather. It is blowing a gale here on top of the hill at the moment.

  5. Enjoy your bloggy break, Rhonda - we'll be here when you get back!

    Cheers - Joolz xx

  6. My thoughts fall to Rose often and have wondered how Tony and Mavis are.
    Will miss you, my dear friend, and look forward to your posts when you return.

  7. I think about how Tony and Mavis are going quite a lot. Rose also pops into my head often.
    Thanks for letting us know and I’ll be right here when you get back.
    Take care.
    Kylie xx

  8. enjoy your break
    look forward to reading your posts when you get back
    take care of yourself & Hanno & Gracie
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  9. Enjoy your break and look after yourself Rhonda.


  10. Rhonda, I hope you are all well and enjoy your break. I have taken onboard your grandparent advice and look forward to our grandson arriving end of November early December. Kepp well dear lady.


  11. Take care of yourself and your family. I will miss your posts, but reviewing old ones will be also enjoyable. Good for you to take a break!
    Greetings from Holland.

  12. Enjoy your days away from the blog living life.

  13. Enjoy your break and your rest from blogging. Will read old posts as I always enjoy reading your blog.


  14. Enjoy your break, lovely lady, and take care of you and yours.
    Karen (Scotland)

  15. Enjoy your break Rhonda, we'll all still be here when you get back too it :)

  16. Enjoy your break. Best wishes to you and your family.

  17. You will be missed. Hope to see you back in due course refreshed and ready to go with your interesting posts.

  18. Totally understand......it will be all the nicer when you come back again.

  19. Thank you for letting us know - you will indeed be missed but enjoy your break and take good care of yourself.

  20. Dearest Rhonda,
    Sometimes a change is as good as a holiday, take a breath and look after yourself, we will all be here waiting for your return, when the time is right.

  21. Enjoy your break as blogging takes a long time to do if you do it well as you do.


  22. Thank you so much for the update on Rose's family. I think of them often. Enjoy your break!

  23. Dear Rhonda, Have a lovely break, enjoy your time away; we'll miss you but will be waiting patiently to welcome you back with a smile. Virtual ((hugs)).

  24. Take care, you will be missed! A good time for me to re-read your blog from the beginning.

  25. I will miss you! Have a restful time away.

  26. Your posts are always so thoughtfully and beautifully written, you put so much time and effort you put in all the time on this amazing blog - no wonder you're ready for a break! Take care and 'see' you when you're ready.

  27. Thanks for the update about Tony and Mavis. Totally understand about taking a blogging break. When you decide the time is right to start again we will be here waiting to read your wise words.

  28. Every day I check to see if you have a new post. However,we all want you to take the bestest care of you, Hanno and Miss Gracie. Enjoy your break and just know that so many caring thoughts are being sent your way. We will all be waiting for your return when the time is right for You. Blessings, Carolyn in Florida

  29. Dear Rhonda:

    Have a good break away from all the blogging. While we enjoy it, we know it is hard work and takes up a good deal of time. I am writing too, to thank all of you Aussies for your help with the tremendous wildfires we are experiencing here in northern California. I live in Santa Rosa, were many have had to evacuate and have lost their homes. Your fire departments came to help us, and we have over 10000 firefighters involved in trying to put these fires out. From all of us; whether they read your blog or not; a heartfelt thank you. You are badly needed, and we are most grateful.

  30. Hope you have a lovely break. I want to thank you for all of your posts, I have learnt lots from them. Alana x

  31. How nice of the Australian firefighters to come and help! Thanks for letting us know, Rhonda. I totally understand. I will read through some of your older posts. Your blog is just excellent. I'm sure Rose appreciates your help with her family.

  32. Dear Rhonda,

    Have a good break and come back refreshed. I will miss your posts, but there are a few I need to catch up on so I will enjoy them in the mean time. Give Gracie a pat on the head for me (LOL!) Enjoy your time away from the internet.

  33. Rhonda,
    Blogging is work as you well know. I read yours regularly, but the introvert in me keeps me from commenting. It shouldn't, because I can't tell you how often my blog had no comments and it felt a little sad after the work and trying to gift a post to people. Thank you for your posts. They inspires me to keep cooking good homemade food and to tidy up to make my home special. Enjoy your time away from writing.

  34. Dear Rhonda, I'll miss your blog, but totally understand that sometimes life gets in the way and we must put those needs first. I have a feeling while you are getting a break from blogging, you aren't having a 'break' at all. Take care. Lyndie

  35. Thank you for letting us know. Hope you have a restful break.

  36. Gorgeous rose Rhonda,
    Enjoy your Blog break,
    Take care of you and yours
    We will see you down the track.

  37. I will miss your posts but hope you enjoy your break from blogging, I have no doubt you will be very busy just the same. Time for me to go back through some of the older posts. Take care and enjoy x

  38. Dear Rhonda, have a nice break it's good to recharge the batteries. I will look up some old posts too. Thank you for all the time you give to us. Nia (UK)

  39. Have a wonderful break. We will miss you, but understand the need. See you when you return!

  40. Not only a good break time but an excellent time to get out, enjoy & celebrate this amazing rain we've had over last couple of days.
    Nothing like running (or gently walking :P ) around in gumboots in the rain doing a sort of rain dance!

  41. I hope everything works out Rhonda and although I don't know who you are talking about friends and family have to come first. Best wishes, Pauline

  42. Enjoy your break Ronda, look forward to your return. BTW, we are swanning around Tassie (again) and are staying in Mole Creek. A lovely little caravan park next to a babbling brook, at the foot of the Gog Mountain Range. They have chickens that range all over the place and we were given some of their eggs....they were so big and delicious. Took a photo for you but can’t seem to add it to my comment. Never mind, you know what chickens look like but to have them around the van and to get eggs from them is a new experience for us.

  43. Enjoy your break and I look forward to seeing you back here.

  44. Enjoy your well-deserved break; we'll be here when the dust settles! Are those Damask roses? They smell the best of all.

  45. I will miss hearing of your goings on, but hope the next few days are relaxing ones for you. Take care, Rhonda.

  46. Dear Rhonda, have a nice break. I will miss you and use the time to read through the archives.

  47. Have a good break....Let everything settle down. Be well! We all love you.

  48. You give so much Rhonda so it´s understandable you need time out. Hope things are well with you and yours and remain so.
    Warmest best wishes
    Ramona (Sweden)

  49. Take care Rhonda and Hanno. I will eagerly await your return!

  50. Hope all is OK, I know you've had a lot of rain up there. All the best.

  51. I enjoy reading your blog, and knowing there are other people out there with our same mindset and lifestyle.
    Take care of yourselves, and I look forward to your returning with such helpful information.
    Linda in Texas

  52. I will miss reading your posts. Have a relaxing and rewarding break, and I will eagerly await your return. :-)

  53. Taking a break can be good. Let us know if there's anything we can do from out here on the internet.

  54. I too will miss your blog,and hope you will return at a later date. Enjoy your rest and take care of yourselves. xx

  55. everyone needs time off from their 'jobs', even when we are retired! hoping you are all well and look forward to your return. :)

  56. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon Rhonda ;)

  57. You deserve a nice break Rhonda after all your hard work but you will be missed in the mesnwhile. Warmest good wishes to you, Hanno and the family.

  58. Thinking of you and Hanno.
    Wish you both the best,
    Have a restful and fruitful break.
    Trinidad & Tobago

  59. Wishing you all the best. Enjoy your break. You will be missed!

  60. Take care, we'll all be here when you get back :-)

  61. So pleased to hear Tony and Mavis are well.
    I hope Hanno returns to good health soon!


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