Last Wednesday was Sorry Day in Australia.  Sorry Day has been held on May 26 each year since 1998 to commemorate  and remember the history ...
One of the great benefits of eating food you have cooked from scratch is that you know what you are eating.  The ideal is that you buy all t...
I'm really pleased to open the new series of work space photos with Margy's place in Canada.  This, my friends, is spectacular!  Mar...
I think we're are gaining ground.  There has been a shift away from the purchased conveniences of modern living, women and men are begi...
This is the last set of photos in the kitchen sink series.  We have some really interesting photos coming in for the new series so I think y...
I'm at a loss to understand why foods go in and out of fashion.  It seems that people get sick of one thing, then go on to the next.  ...
This is the second last kitchen sink post, so get ready for a new series. I want you to send TWO only photos showing your work space - that ...
Roots from the palm trees are invading our backyard drains and after thinking about it for some time, Hanno decided to take action.  He call...
Every morning, on that short walk over dewy grass to our chook house, I am usually aware of a feeling of acute optimism and hope for the day...
When I started living more simply I didn't know what simple living was.  All I knew was that I didn't want to work and for me that p...
In with a lot of other emails I had one from Ceri through the week.  I asked her if it was okay to answer in a post because I think this is ...
We went to the shops yesterday - a trip to the big mall down on the coast. Gulp.  Hanno jumped at the chance to come with me, he's been...
After today's kitchen, I have only two remaining in this series.  I'll start another series as soon as I've featured all the kit...
I am always on the lookout for delicious thrifty meals that are fairly easy to make but in winter I keep coming back to this old standby tha...
It seems like I've been gardening most of my life.  My mother was a keen gardener and my sister has a magnificent garden in the Blue M...
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