30 May 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

This is the last set of photos in the kitchen sink series.  We have some really interesting photos coming in for the new series so I think you'll like that too.

Today we have Pat's kitchen in Oregon.  She writes:
"I have enclosed some pictures of my kitchen in Corvallis, Oregon. As you can see, itt is a small kitchen, but one that I find to be efficient and cozy! I love chickens, but do not raise them. Luckily I tend to my friends flock when she is away."

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends. 


  1. Your right, your kitchen is very cozy and charming. I would love to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee in the kitchen with you. Roxie

  2. Your kitchen is lovely! I love the bright red wall color along with the tea pots and the chickens. :)

  3. How very pretty! I love the chicken accents and your little lamp. Great view too!

  4. Such a charming kitchen. I just love the red and white...it's so fresh a cheerful. I love it when kitchens have a good punch of color. You've done a wonderful job. Oh, and as for chickens...I also love them. I'm lucky enough to be raising 41 of them along with my husband.


  5. Lovely kitchen. I especially like the double wide window!

  6. I love the contrast between the white cabinets and the dark walls!Beautiful!

    I want to thank everyone who sent in photos of their kitchens.I think we all have really enjoyed seeing all the differences and also the similarities in the various kitchens!

    Thanks Rhonda for starting this!! It is fun!

  7. That a wonderful kitchen and much bigger than mine so I don't think it's small at all. I love your kitchen sink.

  8. I have only late in the day discovered the collection of sinks, but I love them! Your kitchen is warm and inviting--I especially like the wood or wood-tone counters, the coffee pot and lamp that make it seem cozy and ready for company.

  9. I think your kitchen is so cute! I like the lamp, I'm going to do that. cute!

  10. looking at it again, I also LOVE the tea pots! Cute!!!!

  11. I love this kitchen so cosy and really a nice feel to it.Thank you rhonda for giving all of a chance to have a "sticky beak" at other peoples kitchens I have loved the series. Carole

  12. What a lovely kitchen! I love the red walls with the white cabinets -- fresh looking and warm.

    Donna in CO

  13. A nice kitchen that looks perfect for cooking. I like the maroon walls with the crisp white cabinets and trim. I like colourful things. - Margy

  14. Your kitchen is so nice. Very cozy and charming.

  15. You have a charming, warm and inviting kitchen, Pat. All of the personal touches (chickens) really appeal to me. The colours are splendid.
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  16. Oh what a pity! The end of the series... I'm having my new kitchen fitted this week and had planned to take lots of photos to send off.

    Never mind, will look forward to the next series on whatever subject that may be on. This series has been fascinating.


  17. I love your red walls and the nice sink! Oh, and the window. Lovely!

  18. What a lovely kitchen. Wood and white is one of my favourites. It looks warm and inviting, the view is lovely too.

  19. Pat, I think we may have the same kitchen cabinets! They're certainly very similar. The red walls give your kitchen such warmth. And I like your nice big window over the sink, with such a pleasant view.


  20. That lamp in the corner is wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

  21. GORGEOUS! That's all I need to say! I wanna move in....jen

  22. I am new to the blog so i missed all the series, i guess i will have to go back and see them all. These pictures are of a great kitchen. It may be small as you say but it certainly is cozy. Thanks for great pics!

  23. Beautiful wood and lovely colours and I just love all that bench space.

  24. Oh I love your kitchen. Love the double widows and view!! The teapots above the stove area give me ideas for my own kitchen.

    Blessings from the middle of the U.S.

  25. I just love the view, and I'm sure its pretty all year round. It seems very cozy!


  26. Beautiful! I love the colors and the chickens! I used to live in Corvallis (now in Sisters, OR) so this is especially near to my heart!

  27. What a wonderful series of photos. Pat...Thank you so much for sending these in. Rhonda, thank you for posting these.

    This kitchen is small like mine. It's very warm and inviting, I wouldn't mind spending some time here witha cup of coffee etc. That's a great kitchen.

    Oh, and to my delight I"m not the only Oregonian following this blog :) :) Now there's myself and one other lady named Pat with a beautiful kitchen :)

    I'm excited to hear about the next series of photos you have planned.

    Have a lovely week everyone :) I think my name is showing up under my blog...but my name is Heather :)..
    Oh many greetings and hugs from Oregon. Sincerely, Heather H :) :)

  28. I find it interesting after seeing all these kitchens that everyon thinks their kitchen is small, most of the ones in America are HUGE compared to Australia. All seem to be functional and pretty. I've loved this series and look forward to the next one Rhonda. Great idea!

  29. Lovely and very warm kitchen. It looks like the heart of your home. I love the teapots and chickens.

  30. A lovely kitchen. The combination of white cupboards and red walls and wooden looking countertop gives such a warm feeling. And lots of pretty personal things to make it feel lived in.

  31. Your kitchen looks so inviting and comfy. The colors are fantastic...it looks clean and crisp.
    You've given me some ideas for cabinets. I like the fresh white of yours.

  32. A very attractive kitchen and much bigger than mine. The view looks wonderful. I love the little shelf above the range with the teapots on it.

  33. Love the red walls. You got me wondering if I should have gotten brave and did the red myself.

    Thanks for sharing. ---Krystal

  34. Lovely. The red walls are great and the whole kitchen just feels so inviting and homey.

  35. Lucky last! And I love your wooden benchtops - there is something so comforting about wood surfaces.

  36. Very cozy! I love the large window area over your kitchen sink! I could spend a lot of time there.

  37. Rhonda,
    Thank you for including my kitchen in your series. What a fun surprise to open your blog and see my kitchen. Your readers were most generous in their comments. It was a fun series and I look forward to what you have in store for us in the coming months. You are a treausre trove of information and wisdom, &&& you make us all feel good about our lifestyles! Kind regards.

  38. Thank you for posting your pictures. I want to paint my kitchen red but just wasn't sure until I saw your pictures. It was love at first site!
    My cabinets are wood grain and I collect Fiesta Ware so I think the red will be perfect.

  39. beauty with simplicity and personality....a tall order!
    I love it!

  40. FYI- My kitchen now has a little lamp because of your picture. Looks cute :)

  41. I positively LOVE your kitchen!!! I don't know if you will see this post but I would love to know where you got all your chickens.....and the hand towel.....also what is on your valance above your sink? Is it just red or does it have something on it? I will email my email address to Rhonda and hopefully she will pass it on. Thanks!


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