19 May 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

After today's kitchen, I have only two remaining in this series.  I'll start another series as soon as I've featured all the kitchen photos, so stay tuned for some more interesting peeks into the lives of readers all over the world.

Today we peek into Amy's American kitchen.  There is a lot going on in that kitchen with children and guests to feed.  If you visit Amy's blog you'll see some of her turkeys.

We renovated the very outdated kitchen and dining room when we bought this house.  We had very little money so we did the most with what we had.  For the entire kitchen and dining room (they started as two separate rooms) we spent less than $2500 and over a year.   Being a stay at home mom I spend most of my life within the walls of my home.  So I find it very important that my home make me happy and that is what my kitchen does, it makes me smile.  Countless meals have been cooked and eaten in here.  We LOVE to get together with friends and we often have house guests so where people are you must have good food.  And where there is good food there is usually a good mess too ;).  Needless to say many many hours are spent in this room.  It is very functional and very practical.  I like design with a practical use and try to use that throughout my whole house.
One of the most enjoyable things I have discovered over the past year is cooking with friends.  So almost on a weekly basis hours are spent in this kitchen with good friends cooking up some great food.  Laughing and even crying on occasion.  Everyone is welcome!  It is a gathering place.  The door is usually entered with a short knock before walking right in.  If you come through my kitchen door then you are more than likely a good friend and good friends in this kitchen can walk right in and sit right down.  Have yourself a glass of tea and chat for a bit.

On any given day you may find me in here making pasta, cheese, butter, bread, salsa, spaghetti sauce.  Doing Once a Month Cooking, canning, freezing or preserving.  We even have baby turkeys in it at that moment. 

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.  



  1. What a great disposition- I love the way you've written about your kitchen as a gathering place. And I really really like the design and color combinations in your kitchen! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  2. I love your red! My mother always says that every house can use a splash of red :)

  3. Your kitchen is beautiful! I love the red walls and how spacious everything is. You guys did a great job renovating!

  4. Lovely kitchen!! Great lay-out. When can I visit? '-)

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  5. What a nice big window over the sink! In the house we're renting, we don't have a window in the kitchen at all, so I always notice other people's kitchen windows. It must be so nice to look out the window while doing the dishes. :)

  6. I love your kitchen. It looks so welcoming. I can believe what great gathering are given here.

  7. Hi Amy..love your bold colours that at the same time are so warm. If the Mum is happy the home is happy so here is proof of it yet again.Carole.
    PS..Rhonda when I see the times you do your posts I am reminded that I am not the only person who gets up early to have a lovely dawn start,(and not crazy as I am often told )best time of the day lol

  8. I live in Ky...and I really enjoyed the pictures of her vacation. The kitchen looks so warm and welcoming:)


  9. Love the way you use your kitchen to reach out to others!

    That is a very striking color combination! I adore red! Very pretty!

  10. Wow! What a beautiful kitchen! I love the colours you have used and the style is lovely. You have my dream kitchen! :)

  11. What a fabulous kitchen! Large and inviting, with plenty of work space. I love that you have friends over to cook, I would love to do that as well, hmm... Thanks so much for sharing a snippet of your lovely kitchen!

  12. I think Amy's kitchen would be a welcoming place no matter WHAT the size or condition...cause Amy sounds like she makes everyone feel right at home. Hospitality sounds like it is a daily practice. That being said...her kitchen makes it a heck of a lot easier to have friends stop by!

  13. Such kind, kind words everyone! Thank you! Kim you are all welcome. I promise to feed you well!

  14. I love your style! Your kitchen truly does sound like the heart of your home!

  15. Man,this is a gorgeous kitchen.Loving the red/black & the island bench too.Looks such a warm,cosy inviting kitchen.Well done on it!

  16. I love the idea of my kitchen being such a gathering place. I guess you have to work up to it?

  17. I love your spacious kitchen and I love your idea of cooking with friends. What a wonderful way to spend some time with them!

  18. Great kitchen Amy, heaps of room and yet it's so very functional.

  19. I love the island in the middle. I wish I had that much space!

  20. Amy, Your kitchen looks so homey and comfortable. No wonder people like to come in and sit down for a chat, cooking and a delicious meal!
    I love your colors in this kitchen. They make it very "cushy" looking.
    Thanks for sharing

  21. This looks and sounds like such a welcoming place!

  22. What an interesting colour combination and great layout, but I think the best thing is imagining filled with all your friends like you describe. Good luck with the 'turklings' as my boy calls them!

  23. Great looking kitchen (from a former kitchen designer)!! I love how big the window over the sink is ... it brings in lots of natural light. Don't you love big islands?!

  24. We love all that space you have in the kitchen. Plenty of space for two of us to run around in. We can help cook, too!

  25. I love your kitchen and all the fun and friends you have in there! The colors are wonderful, so country! I'm going over to visit your blog now.

  26. Love the bold use of color! Great kitchen design. The open space is very welcoming. Lots of different textures help make it very pleasing to look at. Love your open door hospitality!

    Blessings from the middle of the U.S.

  27. I can only dream of such a large kitchen. How lovely!

  28. I love the colors and all the space!! Now that is a "cooks" kitchen" if I ever saw one!!

  29. What a great idea...cooking with friends. My cabinets are black, too with a taupe colored walls...I think I may switch to red after looking at this photo!

  30. Heather H :) :) :)May 19, 2010 12:38 pm

    This brought back so many good memories for me...actually from the time I lived/studied in Germany. My friends and I gathered in the kitchen at our dorm quite a bit. We'd cook together, eat together, than tell stories together :) :) :) So much fun.
    I love the kitchen. It looks so nice and roomy...and red is my FAVORITE color :) :) I also love the center island. What a nice feature to have :) :)

  31. That is a beautiful kitchen. Wow.

  32. What a lovely kitchen. Lots of space...( ahh space... one day...) The perfect spot to pull up a chair and have chat while making pasta.

  33. What a great colour scheme! So different it's wonderful.

  34. You have a lovely, warm, practical kitchen Amy. Your baking sessions sound great fun. I wish I could join in!

  35. Beautiful kitchen!! Love the red! I must admit that I have red in mine too :) but against white cupboards.
    You did a beautiful job with it.

    I love how you described your open kitchen door...we are the same. Those closest to us know there is no need to knock, just come on in! :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  36. I absolutely love your kitchen and your way of thinking and cooking.
    You rock!

  37. I have the same red in my kitchen and have loved it for 4 (5??)years. Isn't it just awesome when people feel so comfortable they walk right and gather!

  38. What a BEAUTIFUL kitchen!

  39. I love those cabinets! So timeless :-)

  40. Oh I adore this kitchen!!!! Mine is not even a quarter in size, but it does the job. But what I wouldn't give for your kitchen! now all I need to do is copy this picture to show hubby what I am wanting. :) many blessings


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