Hello all. I have been MIA for a bit due to some projects I am working on. I hope everyone is enjoying getting ready for the holidays with...
Clicking on the photos will enlarge them. There are many way you may express your simple life philosophy to the world. Our ways of living a...
Vegetables - celery, beans and capsicum picked just before I cooked them last night. It was late October when I wrote about the Nourishing T...
I meant to include this link in my earlier post - Small Town Living Magazine has the Dec/Jan edition out now and it's well worth a read...
I've forgotten who asked, and can't find the comment, but someone wanted more information about how to use diatomaceous earth (DE). ...
The question I am asked more than any other in emails is "how do I start living simply?' Unfortunately there is not a simple answe...
We have declared war on fruit fly, that summer pest we get here in Queensland but from recent reports has moved south to Melbourne. Those o...
I often get emails asking what blogs I read, so here are some I would like to share with you: Free Money Finance - I found this blog throug...
Strawberries picked in the backyard two days ago. I have no idea what I'm going to write about today. Generally, I have a vague notion ...
Continuing on with the theme of getting harmful chemicals out of your home, I want to focus on airborne compounds today. They seem so innoc...
When I started simplifying, natural cleaning was one of the first things I went to. I used up all the chemical cleaners I had in the house ...
I'm not sure what causes it to happen, but every so often we get an influx of new readers. Now is one of those times so I welcome all t...
It always seems fresh and new to me here. Like every morning when I get up to a brand new day there are possibilities and treasures just wa...
Those readers who have been visiting me here for a while will know that my aunty Joy died in early September. Joy was a big part of my life...
I'm becoming a tiny bit obsessed with knitting. Well, okay, maybe more than a tiny bit, I'm thinking about knitting at least a few ...
These are the posts that really make blogging worthwhile for me. Oh sure, I blog for myself in that it creates a good record of what I'...
Reading our meters gives us a real chance to cut back on our use of precious resources. It's like tracking your money when you start bu...
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