There is something quite magnificent about taking on the role of homemaker. Whether you're older or younger, male or female, there beca...
“I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. That is clear. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one b...
Unfortunately I've just cancelled the workshops in Samford, Long Jetty, Mudgee and Lismore. There were not enough bookings to go ahead ...
Another weekend ahead for us to enjoy. I hope your week has been a productive one and you're ready for some rest and relaxation. Thanks...
It's perfectly clear that we're not all the same. We're different ages, with children and without, married, single, straight an...
More than anything else, I am a mother and a worker. Shane and Kerry were 20ish, about to leave home to build their own lives, and although...
So far we've gone through listing our values and working out what our priorities are, claiming our home and some of the financial matte...
I thought it would be fun to do a cash challenge. I want to challenge e veryone to use cash for the rest of the month to see if it helps you...
Morning tea with opa. Happy Independence Day to all my American friends! We'll continue our simple living series on Monday wh...
It will take at least a month to get an accurate idea of what you're spending on non-essentials. It's worthwhile putting the time a...
I'm tired today, too tired to write anything sensible, so I'll leave our budget post until tomorrow.  Yesterday Hanno and I took th...
Let's talk about money today, specifically how we spend our money. Most of us know how much money we make in a month but very few of us...
Sandy made a good point in her comment the other day when she said:  We saved and budgeted hard years ago and cleared the mortgage. That i...
A State funeral today for Mr Yunupingu. RIP Mr Yunupingu. He was one of our great indigenous leaders  and a fine musician. Treaty, the s...
The end of another week and time to take it easy for a couple of days. I hope you have that opportunity too. We'll come back stronger f...
Before we move onto specific subjects such as budgeting, paying off debt, traditional skills, baking, cooking from scratch, organisation, r...
At first, staying as motivated as you need to be to live this kind of life looks like it might be too much. I worried if I could stay o...
Although during the previous 30 years we'd kept chickens, stockpiled, paid off debt, cooked from scratch, knitted and sewn, I felt a...
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