Every morning, on that short walk over dewy grass to our chook house, I am usually aware of a feeling of acute optimism and hope for the day...
When I started living more simply I didn't know what simple living was.  All I knew was that I didn't want to work and for me that p...
In with a lot of other emails I had one from Ceri through the week.  I asked her if it was okay to answer in a post because I think this is ...
We went to the shops yesterday - a trip to the big mall down on the coast. Gulp.  Hanno jumped at the chance to come with me, he's been...
After today's kitchen, I have only two remaining in this series.  I'll start another series as soon as I've featured all the kit...
I am always on the lookout for delicious thrifty meals that are fairly easy to make but in winter I keep coming back to this old standby tha...
It seems like I've been gardening most of my life.  My mother was a keen gardener and my sister has a magnificent garden in the Blue M...
There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself.  It is the only true guide you will ...
Good morning everyone.  It's another beautifully cold morning here, the temperature is 10*C/50F right now and not 6C/42F like it was ye...
I think snow is falling on the mountains.  Not the rainforest covered mountains I live at the base of but the cold and frosty mountains a ...
Hello everyone!  We're back, and faster.    I'm baking quiches for tomorrow's fundraiser stall so I'll blog in the morning....
Hello everyone!  I'm writing this from work because our ISP at home is being changed from one service to another.  This, apparently, eve...
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I had the glorious good fortune to be born the daughter of Jean St Claire McGrath.  I was the younger of Jean's daughters, my sister, ...
I like to think of myself as a modern pioneer.  There have always been mountains to climb and challenges to test me and even though many ...
The weather forecast today is for fine and mild weather.  I am here in my home and I am going to make the most of my time and the weather...
We have Rachael's kitchen in Waco Texas today.  It looks to me like another cook's kitchen where a family might gather. Rachael wr...
Today's kitchen belongs to Kylie who lives in Victoria, Australia. Kylie is showing us a very familiar image, dishes stacked in the drai...
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