5 May 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

We have Rachael's kitchen in Waco Texas today.  It looks to me like another cook's kitchen where a family might gather.

Rachael writes:
"We moved into this house, in Waco, Texas, 7.5 months ago, from Southern California. In So Cal, I had a small kitchen in a one bedroom, 700 sq ft, apartment. Now, we have our own house and I have kitchen that I really enjoy cooking in! Its very simple, so I took pictures while it was in use to make it more interesting; I was making peanut butter cookies. From where the picture was taken in the entryway to the living room and rest of the house. Behind me (the picture taker) is the dining room. There is a good sized pantry just beyond the refrigerator and I hope to fill it with lots of canned goods next summer and fall, but those plants are little bitty seedlings still, so its all hopes still."

You may visit Rachael's blog here:  http://youngernews.blogspot.com

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.   


  1. What a productive space, Rachael. Would like to peek in that pantry and check out your wonderful canned goods. :-)
    Thanks so much for sharing,
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  2. Love your busy kitchen! Hope your seedlings sprout. Send some cookies to your Oklahoma neighbor!

    Blessings from the middle of the U.S.

  3. Yay, welcome to Waco from another Waco, TX reader!! I love your kitchen, it looks like one that would certainly be enjoyable to cook in. Hooray also for a big pantry! I hope your garden gives you lots of tasty goodies!

  4. What a great kItchen.
    My Grandmother always says long kitchens Like yours are best!

  5. So glad you found joy in your kichen.Thanks for shareing, looks like fun in there,must smell good with the cookies baking.

  6. What a cozy kitchen! It reminds me of the kitchen my family had when we lived in Midland, TX.

  7. Thanks to all, and those comments yet to come! I'm so excited to have made it onto Rhonda's blog, she has been such an inspiration to me and such an encouragement to pursue these things I love.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! (can you see my excitement?)

  8. Peanut butter is my favorite! I loved that you took your picture while in use. It looks like the kind of place you could wander into and find something yummy to eat and someone to chat with all at the same time. The best kind of kitchen!

    All the best from Utah, Jayne

  9. Rachel, this looks great. Having a pantry is a great help, and I think you have a good amount of storage. Yummmmmm. Those cookies cooling on the stove look pretty good.

  10. Hi Rachael, nice kitchen, I really like galley style kitchens.

  11. Ooo, I spy those yummy looking cookies! It looks like a really functional kitchen. Good luck with all your growing this season.

  12. This kitchen really looks like the hub of the family life! It must be a joy to cook in. I wish you good luck with your garden, and hope your pantry will be filled with goodies in autumn.
    Blessings from Germany

  13. I like your kitchen. The counters are very pretty, and the kitchen seems roomy.

  14. That looks like a very productive kitchen and it is a good size. I love peanut cookies I might pop over to your blog to see if you have a recipe for them :)

  15. Nice! I really like your galley kitchen - everything is all at hand ready to work your magic!

    Howdy from one Texas gal to another! Come by for a visit!

  16. It must seem a luxury to have come from a small California kitchen to this nice and roomy Texas kitchen, And dreaming of the bounty from your own garden to fill your pantry and tummies is a real blessing!

  17. Rachael, what a great cooking place with plenty of bench (counter) space. I hope you are enjoying your own "owned" first kitchen and home.

    Michelle down in Wellington, New Zealand.

  18. Nice kitchen... I used to have one similar to yours in a former house. Enjoy and best wishes for filling your pantry!

  19. A Butler's Pantry! My dream!! Good luck on the seedlings. Love your "lived in kitchen"

  20. I'm in the same boat with the little seedlings and canning hopes. Good luck and glad your kitchen pleases you.

  21. What a great kitchen! Love the cupboards and floor! It looks like a wonderful place to cook and bake in.Very warm and inviting!

  22. Nice kitchen!
    I so enjoy these posts.


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