Although Hanno and I used to eat a wide variety of foods, now we both prefer the food we ate as we were growing up. The food from our mother...
We celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary during the week with tea and cake on the front verandah.  We were married in Hamburg in 1979. A c...
This week went by so fast and I didn't get everything done that I wanted to do. But there is always time next week. Hanno had another bl...
Work in my home continues with cooking, organising, cleaning and gardening taking priority this week. Hanno and I went to Ikea on Tuesday, o...
This week I've been working on promoting the Down to Earth paperback on radio and writing articles for magazines and online. The weathe...
My son had to go back to hospital last Sunday with a nasty infection under his arm. He had a melanoma and lymph gland removed in late Septem...
I have a collection of photos for you today with not much writing. The garden photos were taken yesterday and the others over the course ...
Hanno has picked the last of the oranges and we have a bucket full sitting outside the kitchen door. We'll use them in the coming days ...
I still have one spot in the blogging workshop and a few spots in the writers' group. Full details are here:  https://down---to---earth...
I'm still dealing with the over-supply of chillies so a couple of days ago I pulled out the bush, stripped the chillies off and starte...
Before I start today, I want to thank you all for such beautiful comments on my 12 year anniversary post.  I was surprised and touched tha...
It's such good weather here at the moment. The nights are coolish at 15C and the days are warm and comfortable around 28C. The true mar...
All the grandkids were here on Saturday and stayed for a sleepover. They ran around like headless chooks in the afternoon, Eve watched ...
I think I'm a little ahead of myself when it comes to the transition from cool summer food over to warmer and heartier autumn meals.  W...
Hanno and I generally eat the food we grew up with. We feel satisfied and comforted by that kind of food and we know it's preservative ...
It's been hot and humid here this past week. Most days, Hanno and I both took advantage of the cooler temperatures before 8am and did a...
Now that Jamie has gone back to school I'm getting back to my regular routine. I still do most of my housework in the morning and the s...
Preserving small amounts of fruit and vegetables is a good way to minimise food waste, cut the cost of providing interesting food and a goo...
Most of the year we grow food in the backyard that will feed us on a daily basis. Whether it's vegetables, herbs, fruit, eggs, or honey...
July in The Simple Home "... he got out the luncheon basket and packed a simple meal, in which, remembering the stranger's origi...
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