4 December 2020

Weekend Reading

This week I've been working on promoting the Down to Earth paperback on radio and writing articles for magazines and online. The weather has been dry and hot so I've had the sprinkler on the garden and thankful we have rainwater tanks to allow that to happen. I've also been gearing up to do some sewing next week so I've decided on two projects and made sure I have everything I need.  All I need now is the time to do it and I think that will happen next week.

Lace cap hydrangea.

I've got a radio interview this morning at 8.30 am my time/9.30 am NSW time, on ABC Illawarra.  I'd better get a wriggle on because I'm still sitting here in my nightie and I want to have a shower and make the bed (naturally) and another cup of tea before the interview.

I cook up half a red cabbage yesterday. We had some for lunch and the rest will be eaten with our meals today and on the weekend. 

I hope you enjoy the reading list this week.

I hope you're safe and well and if you're in some sort of lockdown, use the time to relax and do some simple things in your home.  Take care and stay safe. xx


  1. Thank you for including the link to the Hannah Hauxwell quilt (also,, thank you for introducing me to her many moons ago). I love strippy quilts and the hand quilting on this one appears to be particularly fine work. I'm glad to know that one was kept for museum display.

  2. Hi Rhonda
    I hope your interview went well. I just saw an American ytuber 'she's drinking coffee give an enthusiastic review of DTE and is going to follow the Simple Home starting with January.

    1. Do you have a link to her, Bernie? Yes, the interview was good.

  3. Hi Rhonda...hope the interview went well...and you were able to have your cuppa beforehand!
    I will be making homemade Rocky Road for Christmas, including the marshmellow part. Fiddly but my elderly Dad really likes it, so a labour of love ☺ Recipe makes quite a slab so others will share in it also. Hoping to make a snow globe over the weekend...have the ingredients, need to make the time to go slow.
    Enjoy your weekend all.

    1. Rocky road sounds like a delicious treat for your dad and it's so lovely of you to make it for him.

  4. Sounds like you are staying just busy enough. Congrats on all of your writings and interviews.
    I love red cabbage raw, but haven't tried cooking it. Hmmm, may be something I need to do this weekend.

    Thank you as always for a wonderful list. I look forward to learning more on the weekend.
    Blessings to you and yours, daisy in Pumpkin Center, NC USA

    1. Thanks Daisy. Red cabbage cooked like a pickle with vinegar and sugar is a popular side dish for pork in Sweden, Norway and Germany, so family recipes for us.

  5. I saw your paperback book in Big W and pointed it out to my 13 year old daughter the other day. I love the organic look of that book the designers did a wonderful job. By the way I have a red cabbage in the fridge...what did you do to cook yours...saute in butter/oil? Looks great. I've over the heat and we aren't at the worst of it yet. Have a good week. Kathy A, Brisbane

    1. Hi Kathy. I hope it doesn't get too hot before Christmas.

      I'm so pleased Down to Earth is in Big W now. It gives me a new readership.

      Here is a recipe very similar to the one I use. I don't add apple to mine. Otherwise it's spot on. https://www.yummly.com/recipe/German-Red-Cabbage-2133552?prm-v1#directions

  6. I always enjoying reading from the links you post, Rhonda. I saw your book in Big W this week too and think it will be a lovely and welcome gift for many this xmas.

    The weekend was so hot. Like Kathy, I am over this heat. I did do some simple sewing over the weekend and made lavender pillows for gifts. I had half a red cabbage and made that into a coleslaw with yoghurt dressing. I potted up two frangipani pieces a lovely lady gave me and did some xmas wrapping. In between this, I felt very sloth-like and read a lot! MegXx

  7. Good morning Rhonda,Gracie and Hanno. Thanks again for the links,how funny to find the koala in the Christmas tree! We used to have a pet parrot who loved to spend December days sitting in our Christmas tree,often unnerving visitors when he moved suddenly! Hope the book is going well. While much of Australia is suffering through a heatwave,we are quite mild,only 17degs today,so not complaining as its better for the garden. Have a lovely week 🙃


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