23 April 2021

Weekend Reading

Work in my home continues with cooking, organising, cleaning and gardening taking priority this week. Hanno and I went to Ikea on Tuesday, our first trip there in over two years. I never browse when I shop, I have already done my research online and I go with a list on my phone. So I wait until I have enough things to make the trip worthwhile and then we set off. I needed a pair of new blockout curtains for one of the bedrooms, a doona and bed linen, some preserving jars, a few kitchen items and a couple of large glass tea mugs, ideal for my big cuppa first thing in the morning.  Hanno took advantage of the little food hall near the checkouts and bought some of his favourites - herrings, knackerbrot and jam. We both really appreciate those little treats because we don't often buy them.

Jamie and I made these little egg and bacon pies for his lunchbox last week. I used the recipe in The Simple Home - three sheets of puff pastry, bacon, eggs, cheese, garlic and green onions. They're delicious hot or cold, so perfect for a lunchbox.

Almost everything is ready in the garden to start planting, all I need now is help with the weeding.  Both Hanno and I get very dizzy when we're bending over so I've arranged for a gardener from Airtasker.  She'll be here today, I hope. So it looks like I'll be busy in the garden next week and then have the joy of watching the garden grow for the rest of the year.  You can see in the photo above, the two beds at the front are well and truly overgrown with weeds but there are plants in there too.  It will be good to have some order in those main gardens and to watch a new landscape emerge in the coming weeks and months. 

Hanno and I will have our Covid vaccinations next week. I hope the Covid situation is improving where you live and that you have access to the vaccine. Sadly, the situation in several countries is still out of control but wherever you are, staying at home and going out only for the necessities seems to be the best way to stay safe.  Take care everyone.  xx



  1. Hi Rhonda, Those egg and bacon pies look delicious. It's wonderful to buy treats and enjoy them at home, especially during this pandemic. That was wise of you to hire someone to help you with weeding. Hope you do well with the vaccine. I am going to wait a year; I already had Covid and was concerned with how it affected my brain, blood, and memory. I live alone, though, and am fine with distancing and wearing a mask. Some of the people here had severe reactions to the vaccine. Most are doing well.

    1. I didn't know you had Covid, Stephenie. Do you think it's affected you in any way?

  2. thanks for the links Rhonda, I really look forward to your weekly roundup and reading list.
    Have a lovely weekend
    cheers kate

  3. Hi Rhonda,

    I was really interested to read about you using Airtasker, I hadn't heard of it before. It's inspiring how you are adapting as things change, I hope the gardening goes well.

    I started to watch the Korean lady doing house work but had to turn it off when she put white towels in the machine with brown ones - I am so uptight!!

    Have a great weekend,


  4. Loved the Korean Housewife video!!

  5. Rhonda have you looked into a gardening stool?? I bought one for my grandmother who is 80 and she loves it. You can use it to sit or kneel. That way she can she doesn't need to bend since she has artificial knees. Just a thought to enjoy what you love a little longer.

    1. Thanks Katie. We have a gardening stool. Our problem isn't the bending, it's getting dizzy when we look down or look up which happens when we bend over. I can't say I ever enjoyed weeding. I'll be happy to take over when our gardener gives us a clean slate again.

  6. Hi Rhonda,

    I just noticed that Stephanie has written about her experience with covid on her blog on April 13.


  7. The warmest of belated birthday greetings, Rhonda, from me in Ontario, Canada! I will be 70 this summer so I am catching up. I don't comment like I should to say how much I appreciate your posts which I read faithfully. I am so glad you enjoyed your special day.

  8. Oooooh, those egg & bacon pies, Rhonda. Yummo!!! Yes, the weeds are having a hay day here in my gardens too. Fortunately both hubby & I can still bend over and pull them but I'm sure the day is coming when we can't. It will probably be time to move to a small homestead at that point, as weeding is nearly a daily activity here to keep up. ~Andrea xoxo


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