27 September 2017

A new shop

I have a lot to be thankful for, most notably the family I'm a part of. My sons have grown into fine men and they're now both raising their own families. Today I want to tell you about Kerry's first business because he's made me a very proud mum. He recently bought a sushi shop at Mooloolaba and he's been working very hard to build it into a profitable business. It's been a lot of long hours and hard work but he's increasing his customer numbers every week and all the hard work is starting to pay off.

This is the shop front, it's small but they have a great selection of food and a space to sit and enjoy your lunch at the front.  It's right across the road from the beach on Mooloolaba Esplanade.

The shop is called BHappy Sushi and it's next to the Mooloolaba Surf Club and opposite the beach in a terrific location. He's employing two or three people to help him most days and they're all working at producing the freshest and most delicious food they can.  Kerry has fresh fish and produce delivered daily and the feedback he's getting from his customers is that they love the food. Not only is he producing great food, the prices are good too. He's very conscious of offering healthy food at a good price.  If you find your way there, you won't be disappointed.

If you're down this way for the holidays, or if you live here, please drop in and say hello at the shop. I'm sure they'll all be pleased to see you. If you're a new comer to this kind of food, ask Kerry to explain the menu to you. There is a selection of hot or cold food and all of it is made fresh every day. Nothing is kept from the day before so you can be confident that what you're eating and buying for your family is the freshest it can be.

You can also have your meals and snacks delivered. B Happy Sushi is one of a select group of Sunshine Coast shops and restaurants who deliver through UberEATS. Just download the UberEATS app for Mac or Android to see the menu and place your order. 

If you're far, far away from the Sunshine Coast you can still help. Kerry is trying to build up his social media profile so if you have the time, please visit him on Instagram to like or follow the shop.  We appreciate whatever you can do. 😊

ADDITION: My sincere thanks to everyone who took the time to follow Kerry's shop on Instagram. I've followed all of you.  😍



  1. Our kids are in Brisbane next week Rhonda so I will mention a visit as a suggestion.
    Congratulations Kerry your food looks so delicious and fresh with the perfect location. If I ever make my way up north I'll be sure to visit. All the very best.

  2. You should be proud, those dishes look mouth wateringly delicious.

  3. Yum. Makes me want to travel to Australia just to try it. The food looks amazing. Well done Kerry.

  4. That food looks SO good! Wish I was closer.

  5. Food looks absolutely delicious, Rhonda. I wish Kerry all the success!

  6. Oh my goodness, that all looks delicious! If I were not on the other side of the world, I would be heading over there ASAP! :) And it sounds like it's a great location--a fresh meal like that would be perfect after spending some time at the beach. I hope he does well there!

  7. The food looks delicious. Next time we are on holidays up that way we will be sure to call in as I love sushi. X

  8. Such a great place for Kerry to have his shop, Rhonda. The food looks delicious.

  9. Congratulations to Kerry, hope it all goes super great. Location - wow!

  10. Wow!! Looks fabulous. I have friend moving to that area at the end of the year, I'm going to forward them Kerry's details right now. Congratulations Rhonda, you have a lot to feel prod about. x

  11. I go to the Sunshine Coast about every 3 months to catch up with old school friends Rhonda. I shall certainly call in and support Kerry's shop and encourage my friends to do so. Kieren has just opened his own Cafe in Adelaide so he is faced with the same things as Kerry, building up numbers. It is amazing to think that they are all chefs and fine young men to boot. Please give our regards to Hanno. Maureen and Kevin

  12. Food looks delicious, I would love to have food made with so much love and care, all the best to Kerry. I wish I was closer.

  13. all those dishes look awesome - you should be a very proud Mum. Is this Jamie's dad?

  14. Wish I was nearby and could stop in for lunch at your son's shop. But it is a long way from Utah, US. Best of luck to him. the food looks delicious.

  15. I can see why you are so proud of him....well done for raising such hard working men.

  16. well done kerry! sorry i don't have instagram but will share with DD1 who does.
    sounds like he has a great spot there too
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  17. You must be so proud. The food looks amazing, so fresh and colourful. Good luck with the venture.

  18. I love sushi! I'll be sure to make the Sunshine Coast and BHappySushi one of my stops when I go on my road trip in November :)
    I'm now following on Instagram.


  19. Any business is so competitive so he is doing very well and the food looks delicious. I really enjoy sushi.I still have to sign up for Instagram, a job for tomorrow. Good luck to Kerry and family with the new venture. Goodness only knows when we will be down that way anytime soon.

  20. It sounds like an ideal location. All the best to Kerry. I can tell he's a very hard worker, like you and Hanno.

  21. Looks tasty, and I love the name! Unfortunately I am on the other side of the world, but I wish him success in his business!

  22. I rang a friend on the Sunshine Coast yesterday to tell her about Kerry's place and guess what --- she already goes there. She said it is the best sushi on the Sunshine Coast.

  23. I have two grandsons on the Sunshine Coast and love having a few days camping at Mooloolabah. Kerry's food looks delicious and I'm very fond of sushi. Will definitely be my new favourite lunch place. Us mothers are always prouder of our children's achievements than our own. It's wonderful to see them succeed in life. All the best to Kerry and his family.

  24. We visit the Sunshine Coast often in the summer so will have to check Kerry's new shop out! I haven't eaten a lot of this cuisine so it will be great to have someone to explain it and offer recommendations. The food looks so fresh, delicious and so lovely and colourful. I wish him every success in his new business.

  25. Looks delicious! I love sushi!

  26. I wish your son every success with his new venture. The dishes look delicious, I only wish I was near enough to offer my custom! Thank you for the IG follow Rhonda. You blog is the first thing I turn to when I need to bring myself down to earth. I find your posts soothing and they bring much needed perspective.

  27. Gosh it all looks so delicious! A pity we live on the other side of the globe, my daughter is a big sushi fan.
    It is a recent trend here that picked up very quickly. I wish your son the greatest success.
    Trinidad & Tobago


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