8 May 2015

Weekend reading

I'm feeling more comfortable as the weeks fly by. It's cool most mornings now and as I walk down to the chicken coop early every morning, trying not to get my Crocs too wet with the dew, I see the signs of autumn making way for winter.  This is my favourite time of year. 

This week has been taken up with writing, planting the first vegetable seedlings of the season, an odd trip to Costco, caring for Jamie, cooking and baking most days and the slow work of putting my work room together. I have drawers now, I never thought drawers would make me smile, but they do. I finally have places for all my sewing and knitting paraphernalia so it's off my desk and safely put away. It feels really good to walk into one's work space and see plenty of places to set out a project, mark a diary and sort things out. That kind of space is a true luxury to me. I hope you share that luxury with me.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone, and happy Mother's Day on Sunday to all the mums xx

Estiloy Deco - Spanish blog with photos of very pretty sewing rooms
And if you don't have a sewing room to store your things, you can use this very sweet idea at Moje Zielone Wzgorze, which I believe is a Polish blog.


  1. I was very heartened by the Australian agriculture article

  2. Good morning Rhonda. Lots of reading for me to catch up on when I get home. It is cool here in The Isa and I am sure the locals would be freezing :-) Glad the weather is more comfortable for you now. Have an enjoyable weekend and a Happy Mother's Day on Sunday.

  3. I wish we were going into our cooler season instead of the HOT summer months ahead of us. In our part of TX it is not unexpected that we have 100 degree weather till late Oct. I have seen Christmas day in the 90's here. Enjoy that cooler weather.

  4. Really enjoyed some of these articles. And LOVED the sewing rooms!

    Wishing you a delightful weekend dear Rhonda, and Hanno too!

    With love and gratitude, Sita

  5. What a lovely bunch of WOOL! ;)

  6. Thank you for this weekend's reading Rhonda, I especially love the suitcase sewing room kit.

  7. Just commented here, Rhonda - did you receive it? I won't repeat the whole text, but am re-sending the link to the article I was writing about.


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