1 May 2015

Weekend reading

It's wet and windy here but it might be fine on the weekend. Whatever the weather, I'll be writing and helping Hanno look after Jamie. I have some new books to read to him. :- ) I hope you enjoy your weekend. Take care, friends.

Female, over 65 … and Danish: the three keys to happiness
Meet me at Mikes blog  Pip has a new book out called Craft for the Soul which is full of crafty projects and happy prose. But it also contains some thoughtful passages about family, confidence and creativity that I loved. When I finish mine, I'm giving it to someone special who I think will love it as much as I do.
DIY rainwater harvesting


  1. Is it Friday already, that came around so quickly! But I always look forward to seeing what interesting tid-bits you've found for us, so thank you for taking the time to search them out.......how do you do it, just google something you've been thinking about? Wet here, but not windy yet, I'm a little further inland than you so we might not get the wind, but there are flood warnings out, so I aim to keep my feet dry and work on a quilt I'm making to be raffled for a local group of aboriginal kids who have been learning about their culture, language and dance, to help them get to Cairns for a big indigenous meet-up next month. Enjoy your day writing and reading Jamie :)

    1. Hello Nanette. I don't watch TV news so I read the online papers to find out some of what's happening. My daily reads are The Observer, The Washington Post, The Conversation, The New Yorker and The Atlantic. I read bits and pieces of all of them and sometimes follow links to other stories on other sites. If I find something I think the readers here might be interested in, I add it to the list.
      Are the kids going to the Laura Festival? It's a great event. What a great thing you're doing with the quilt to help them.
      Have a good weekend. xx

  2. I started Pips book yesterday :)

  3. Thanks for an interesting reading list, Rhonda. Marie Anne over at zero waste chef has written another thought-provoking post today too.

    Have a lovely weekend all :)


  4. Hoping you have a great weekend Rhonda! Cherie mentioned to me that you've had trouble commenting on my blog. Sorry about that. I don't know why that is happening. Glad you found the farmers market story interesting. Tomorrow is opening day for us and I'll be interested to see how many vendors change their practices to attempt to comply with these laws...

  5. I hope you have a great weekend Rhonda and enjoy your time with Jamie. Thanks for the interesting reading - I actually drew a sigh of relief reading about the electricity!!

    Warm regards,
    Jan x

  6. Growing old in the new normal required a survey to be filled out before I could read the article. I did it but then was so angry that I did not read the words when they became visible. I wonder if you should share links like this.....Am I being unreasonable? I'm not even sure why this was so upsetting, but it was.

    1. I'm so sorry you're upset, Kristi. You're not being unreasonable at all. When I read that article, and when I opened it again now three times, I got no survey. Countryside magazine is a reputable magazine and usually have no marketing or advertising associated with the articles, that's one reason I link.

      I wonder if anyone else was presented with a survey. What was the survey about? If no one else has seen it, you might have a virus in your computer.

    2. No survey presented when I opened it

  7. Hi Rhonda,

    I cut out the article on growing old in the new normal awhile back and I refer to it often. It is wonderfully sensible. I think many of your readers will relate to it.

    Diane in North Carolina


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