18 October 2013

Weekend reading

Hanno and I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead. We are both fine and looking forward to some work and family time over the next couple of days. Thanks for your comments during the week. There is a beautiful community of like-minded souls here and we love sharing and learning as much as we can with all of you.

A short note to everyone who created a Google account so you could comment here. If you have a blog, please put a link to your blog up on your Google page. When I was looking for people to link to this week, I chose quite a number of you who have a Google account, the link takes me to your Circles pages but no further.  If you include a link I'll probably get around to linking to you for the Weekend Readings.  Thanks :- )

Nigel's various mayonnaise recipes
Happiness is joint bank accounts?
Spectacular photos of wildlife
From pigs to pork, an excellent blog about slaughtering pigs on a small farm.
Auburn Meadow Farm
Using manure in the garden
An urban veg patch
Baby hedgehog taken into care - if you need a smile today, or think things are getting tough, have a look at this.
Frontier House - episode 1 +

All things bright and beautiful
Cottage Tales
Frugal in Derbyshire


  1. Morning Rhonda, what a great photo...not sure if it's 'come on in' or 'bye we are closed until further notice' lol! Love seeing your family life, have a great weekend, and enjoy your family time, Kathryn :D

  2. Hi Rhonda, is your sister ok in the dreadful Blue Mountains fires, what a terrible time for them all, Deb M

    1. Hi Deb, yes, she's fine however her sons David and Daniel, who live a Winmalee and Springwood, both spent the night in the evacuation centre because they weren't allowed to go home and couldn't get to Tricia's. Johnathan is with his other grandma and Tricia hopes to pick him up today and to look after him over the weekend. I spoke to David earlier and the said the fire was not near his place but as we all know these things can flare up quickly and spread again.

  3. Morning Rhonda......the link to Pigs to Pork goes to my Google Dashboard ? I was keen to read that and pass it on to a young friend who has just started looking into ethically grown and slaughtered meat.
    Have a busily restful weekend.....we have rain here, just south of the border, and very welcome too. Nanette

    1. Hi Nanette, just fixed that link. It's a very good blog. I love her attitude to food and the treatment of her animals. I've added the blog to my side bar.

  4. Hi - if you like the Frontier House series, you might like some of the UK equivalents:
    Coal House (1920s mining community in Wales): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93RHoIkWAdM
    1900s House (Family live as if a 1899 middle-class family): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD9bFcyfUxk
    and Victorian Farm (Historians live as if Victorian farmers for a year - includes lots on domestic practices like preserving food, cleaning house, cooking, laundry etc): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eaQr7JJ1ms

    1. Hi Nickie, I've seen Victorian Farm (and the Edwardian one) and 1900s house but not Coal House. I watch these programs while I'm ironing. I'll be watching Coal House tomorrow. Thank you.

    2. Rhonda, I hope you enjoy! There are lots more which are sometimes overlooked because they are from a few years back but I am a big fan so always happy to recommend some more!

  5. Good morning Rhonda, I never really comment but this morning I felt I just had to check how your family is going with the bush fires in the blue mountains. Hope all is well with them. Regards Tracey

    1. Good morning Tracey, I've left a summary of it above in reply to Deb's comment. Thanks for your concern. It looks terrible on TV. xx

  6. Rhonda,
    I am unable to get this link to work and I'd like to see the blog.
    From pigs to pork, an excellent blog about slaughtering pigs on a small farm
    Could you please check the link?

  7. Have a relaxing weekend, Rhonda and Hanno. Rhonda, I hope your sister is safe from those dreadful fires which have been burning in the Blue Mountains and NSW. We are having a little respite here from the heat on the Darling Downs and are enjoying some light rain at the moment. I hope some of it spreads down south to NSW!

    1. She's fine, Chel. Have a look at my reply to Deb's comment above. Thanks for your concern. We were waiting for the rain here this morning. Hanno had the blood and bone ready and we were going to run around throwing it on the gardens when it started raining. I think we're missing out, again. It's so dry here and the tanks are almost empty.

    2. Thanks for the blood and bone tip, Rhonda. I ran out and threw some around just before dark as the rain started to come down heavily....wouldn't have thought to do it otherwise.

  8. I haven't had a chance to comment much, but thank you for all you do! I hope to find some quiet time soon to just sit and read the past few weeks' worth of posts. Thanks again.

  9. Thanks as always for the pointers to these intriguing sites. One addition you might enjoy, if it's available online there at some point, is a Canadian series, Pioneer Quest - two couples spend an entire year on a Manitoba homestead in 1870s conditions - building their own cabins, surviving a winter (not an easy task on the prairies!), dealing with livestock, etc. The summary here gives a good overview of what they did: http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/vol8/no20/pioneer.html. And an additional British series you might check into is 1940's House, one of the best of that genre from the U.K.

  10. Hi Rhonda. I've been looking at the latest fire information and it says the Mt Victoria fire is only 4km from Blackheath, I hope and pray your sister is safe. Thinking of you xxBrenda

  11. Glad your family are okay, terrible situation in NSW. My love and prayers go out to everyone affected, thank God for the wonderful men and women who volunteer. What would we do without them. Gorgeous day here in Tas washing done, all dry , weeding of some vegie plots done . Hubby weeded the two Garlic plots and fed and mulched today . . We have 1`00 bulbs of garlic coming this year . Peas are up about 8 inches (20 cm ) more in punnets waiting to go in all propagated from the leftovers last year .Lettuces self seeding everywhere , unfortunately some of the greens are shooting so madly picking and stir frying , I'm sure my skin will turn green with all the vegies .Parsley has been amazing too , had it growing all winter and have even managed to give some plants away. I have several jars of it dried .I was given some onions and Capsicums a few weeks ago so they have been dried too. Life is good .Enjoy the weekend ,relax have fun . Thank you for all the great ideas Margaret in Tasmania


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