29 January 2013

We're safe !

Hello everyone
I'm At Kerry and Sunny's tapping this out on an iPhone because we've lost all phone and Internet access at our place. This is the second day it's been off. We've still got power but with Telstra and bigpond down here there is no way to do the blog till it's back up.
Kerry, Sunny and Jamie are here I'm at their home now. They are all fine.  Shane, Sarndra and Alex missed most of the rain because they were in New Zealand for a family reunion. They're back now and have no damage at their place.
I wanted to let you all know we're all safe and sound here. Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments. I miss you and will be back ASAP
Rhonda and Hanno xxx


  1. Finally some good news from Australia. We have literally been flooded by bad Australian news today.

  2. Glad to hear you're all ok! I confess I did worry a little when there was no post when I jumped online this morning. You must have magic powers Rhonda- can you believe you were asking for rain just the other day?!

  3. Glad to hear you're all safe up there. Thinking of you all from our scorched patch down south.


  4. That is great news, thank goodness you are all okay! Take care, Ann

  5. Thank goodness you and family are safe.

  6. Glad to hear you're safe. Was worried about you & your family when I saw that you hadn't posted on the blog this am. Thought that was unusual for you and had been wondering if everything was ok.
    Best wishes

  7. So happy to hear that everybody is safe and sound there!

  8. Good to hear all is well Rhonda...take care and enjoy your family time :)
    Mabel ((()))

  9. Hi Rhonda & Hanno
    I am glad you are both safe and well.Its so nice that Kerry, sunny & Jamie are now living close to you. Wishing you many wonderful days to come with little Jamie and of course with Kerry & Sunny.
    Lors x

  10. So good to know that you are all safe and sound! Hugs Amy :)

  11. Thanks for letting us know Rhonda. I've been thinking of you and hoping that your creek didn't flood. So good to hear you are safe and dry. We have had 4 inches down here but for us it was a real blessing as we were so very dry and it was just steady soaking rain with no wind and the sun is shining once more.
    Blessings Gail

  12. Happy to hear you are all safe and well. Take care.

  13. Be safe Rhonda and Hanno. You are sure getting more than your fair share of weather trouble right now. We are thinking of you.

  14. Oh Rhonda, I am very glad that you are all ok! Terrible about the flooding - I am following the news coverage over here in the UK and it is really shocking. Keep safe! Kirsten

  15. That is so wonderful to hear. Take care of yourself and your family.

  16. so glad you're all safe and sound and no damage done. Have a great time with the family!

  17. So glad to hear you are safe, I was worried, I'm also worried about edwina, from the old post office blog. Take care xxBrenda

  18. So glad to hear you're all OK. Hearing about weather dramas like this in other places makes me appreciate how gentle our climate is, most of the time, here in the UK. Stay safe.

  19. so pleased all is well with your family in soggy QLD. thanks for keeping us informed. My heart goes out to the poor families that struggled through the floods 2 years ago and now are having to go through it all again.

  20. hello Rhonda,

    Glad the move went okay. I was wondering where you were, so glad to hear from you.
    Looking forward to your next blog.
    Best wishes
    Angela (south England) UK

  21. Great that the whole family is safe. The East Coast has really had a beating with fires and now floods.

  22. So glad to hear that all is well! I just noticed the lovely picture at the top with the baskets on the clothesline. I love it!

    It is so good to come here to this group of like minded ladies. I was in a group of women on Sunday and wondered if I was the only one there who had ever baked a loaf of homemade bread for my family. They all have careers and talked incessantly of their next vacation or purchase. Oh, so not me!

  23. XO from Alberta

    Glad you are all safe and well. Whew!

  24. Glad to hear that! Saw the news this morning in the US & wondered how you were affected. Praying for you &your families.

    a US reader :)

  25. The warm fireplaceJanuary 30, 2013 6:07 am

    So glad you are all safe.

  26. So Pleased that you are all safe and well, thats great news :)

  27. Julie ... Barossa ValleyJanuary 30, 2013 8:06 am

    so plz'd to read that your family are all safe ... its incredible the amount of water in the eastern states at the moment. we would love rain but not that amount :)stay safe !

  28. I was watching the BOM site (bureau of meterology) to watch the storm stall over your area and then stall over our area on its way down the coast. We live on a ridge so will not flood but the horrendous winds that followed the storm cell we did get. Lots of work clearing away trees that came down and bark everywhere. These were old trees but my plantings remained in tact. I shall be on storm watch the next time you post about being in a drought :) Joy

    1. Joy, wasn't the wind fierce! When it first started, it woke me up. If sounded like freight trains rushing by. I'm pleased to know you and your plants survived it. I know what you mean about blogging about no rain! I should have done it months ago. Oh well, we have that up our sleeve for next time. Let me know if you need me to unleash the power. lol.

  29. Glad to hear you are all safe and sound. It's been flooding in parts here too, but not half as bad as further up north.


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