18 January 2013

Weekend reading

Free eBook on self sufficiency. If you don't have a Kindle, do what I did and download the Kindle software for your computer. It's fast, simple and completely free. Then you can read the book on your computer. Please note: this comment was sent my Barb: Here in the US that self-sufficiency book is $2.99 to buy, or you can 'borrow' it for free if you have an Amazon Prime account. Just a warning, for those who might click without thinking.

What's in the water?

People are slowly waking up to the fact that you teach children to be consumers from a very young age.

The temperature is rising


Chez is writing about their holiday in West Australia

Minnie and her cats

Queen of the armchair is baking, caring and stitching

Hanno and I want to thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers sent to us this week. Hanno's test have finished now. The news was pretty good and helped along, no doubt, by this beautiful community here. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Relax and put your feet up if you can. If not, take time out to sit with a cold drink or a hot cuppa. A few minutes alone can do wonders.

See you next week.  xxx



  1. Thank you Rhonda I did not know that about Kindle on the computer.
    I always love to check out your weekend reading.
    Hope you and Hanno are doing well, I know you are enjoying your Grandchildren. B

  2. have a wonderful weekend! :)
    - Kristin

  3. Thank you Rhonda for the ebook tip and also for the weekend reading...and WOW I've got a mention...I am absolutely thrilled...thank you so very very much! Have a great weekend you two!

  4. I loved the article on kiddy consumerism too :). My greatest challenge is convincing my children's grandparents to stop buying so much and focussing on spending time/experiences with them instead. Glad to hear all is good with Hanno. Katie

  5. Thanks for the link on Men Who Knit :D


    1. I was thnking of your husband when I posted that. I'm glad yo found it.

  6. Thank you so much for linking to my molasses post for treating chickens. New fan here!
    Fresh Eggs Daily

    1. You're welcome, Lisa. It's good to see you here.

  7. Loved the "raising kids for free" article!

  8. Here in the US that self-sufficiency book is $2.99 to buy, or you can 'borrow' it for free if you have an Amazon Prime account. Just a warning, for those who might click without thinking.

    I always look forward to your weekend reading posts. Thank you, Rhonda!

  9. Love and healing thoughts for Hanno. My kindle was the best gift given to me after I had my son. Not only can you read it with one hand and breastfeed with the other, but it cuts back on all that paper that my book addiction was costing the planet. Love hearing about good books to download.

  10. Found it interesting about Lead in water and the way to deal with it is to run your taps for 2mins in the morning then put that water on your garden..... don't think I would be putting it on any vegetables or other plants/trees etc that produce anything I eat.

    1. I agree, Amy. I wonder what you should do with water like that.

  11. Hi Rhonda, I really love the article on raising your children "for free". It's a subject I've read a lot about and of which I feel so strongly. Even though I'm able to buy new things, I usually don't. I accept when friends offer hand-me-down toys and clothes. I shop Goodwill or consignment. It feels good not to waste resources on brand new items. And these are very nice things! The kids are always thrilled and don't know the difference. Yet I'm the only friend in my circle who does this. I've recently resolved not to buy any cheap, plastic, "made in china" products and have focused on well-made, usually wooden and domestically made (if possible) on the rare occasion that I do buy a brand new toy for my girls. Started following the "Free Our Kids" blog to get ideas and "support" and find a community of like-minded people. Thanks so much for sharing the link to this article... Hope you and Hanno have a lovely, lovely weekend!

    1. I wish more people would make this decision, Audrey. Not only is it a way to save money but it will also make a big impact on the child. When my children were little, I would tell them to do certain things but they always did what they saw us doing. I learned that lesson early, thankfully. I hope you find the support and ideas you seek on Free our Kids.

  12. As a long time lurker I am compelled to comment today. I have just made my first batch of Ginger Beer using your recipe - it is really, really GOOD! I have also just made my first batch of soap, by your instructions, which is now curing. The soap looks good enough to eat!!
    Thanks so much for an inspiring blog and practical, workable recipes!

    1. Sue, that's great feedback. I am always thankful when I hear of people learning these useful skills. Good on you!

  13. Awesome! I will be adding to my ever growing reading list, lol.

    You can also add the kindle app on your smartphone.

    I have been following your blog for over a year and I appreciate the time you put into it.

  14. Hi Rhonda I was wondering where I can find your very first post on your blog...I have been reading your blog for a few years now but couldn't work out how to locate your first or original post via the search bar. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

    1. Kathy, go to the archives in the side bar. Click 2007, then click May and scroll down.

  15. Ugh, that water information has finally pushed me over the edge and I think it's time I bought a water filter! Thanks for sharing, as always. x


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