25 January 2013

Weekend reading

Ladies and gentlemen, we have rain. It started early yesterday morning and rained gently all day; the heavier rain came overnight. We got about 30mL yesterday, I haven't checked the rain gauge yet but I'm guessing it would be up to 100mL/4 inches by now. All the tanks are full. 

There is a monsoon low bringing the rain right down the coast from an ex-tropical cyclone. I know there has been flooding up north. We have many readers in Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rocky and Gladstone. I've been watching the weather radar because Shane and Sarndra live in Gladstone now. Rockhampton and Gladstone been covered in green and yellow rain for nearly 24 hours. I hope you are all safe and sound up there. And for those of you south of us, I hope you get your fair share of this wonderful rain. The sound of rain on the roof  is one of the best sounds I know. 

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Building community in your neighbourhood

The Sufficiency Economy

Counterspill - take action

Stickman - this is my type of computer game :- )

Nigel's eat well for less recipes

Paying less

How to make a $4 wool nappy cover/soaker from a blanket


Mrs Dishpanhands

The happy larder

At my September cottage


  1. Hallelujah for you! I hope it doesn't go the other way, and you get too much, but I'm glad for you.

  2. Thank you for putting my blog on here. :)
    I hope you and Hanno have a lovely weekend.

  3. Hip, hip, hooray! Rain! Have a great weekend, Rhonda!

  4. In Gladstone here and it has been pouring all night, Plus very windy. Hubby wasn't able to get to work after I dropped him off (no boats running to take them). I had to drive him in and note keep to go out in it again

    1. It's a nice change from the heat, isn't it Rosie.

  5. Lovely to have full tanks and hopefully your garden will green up ready for planting now!

  6. hello Rhonda,

    So pleased, at last! We have relatives in Perth, they say it's been so hot there.
    I suppose it will stop fairly soon. Not like Britain, when it starts it doesn't know when to stop!

    best wishes,

    Angela (south England)

  7. Congrats on the rain!!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Oh, what wonderful news! The collective rain dance from your blog community must have worked! I am so pleased for you and all your neighbours! Kirsten
    PS: Thank you so much for mentioning my blog on your weekend reading list - it means a lot to me! x

  9. I'm so happy to hear that you have rain. I live in the high desert, in the southwestern US, and I am a huge fan of monsoon season. For us, July and August are the months where we can expect regular showers and thunderstorms, mostly in the afternoons and evenings. Every year I impatiently await the first big storm and I sit, rapt, listening to the rain fall on our roof.

  10. Hooray for the rain and just in time for Hanno to plant your seedlings out. Fantastic and here's hoping you have a wonderful harvest. :-)

  11. So glad to hear that you have had rain. Here in Brisbane the rain is so welcome too. Waking at night and hearing the rain is the best.

  12. Thank God for the rain Rhonda, great that your tanks are full again. Enjoy the weekend :)

  13. That is wonderful news Rhonda. I am sure your back garden will turn from straw to green very soon. Thank you so much for adding my blog.

  14. Hi Rhonda, We had 240 ml the night beforelast and maybe the same again yesterday. I haven't left the house since Tuesday, its been lovely. Kept busy making a rag quilt! Love the rain. Unfortunately I need to go to town today, though it seems to have eased up a little. I am going to get some groceries as the highway south is closed and it won't be long before everything runs out. Enjoy the pitter patter, Love Julia in Bowen xxx

    1. That's great, Julia. Enjoy your quilting. xx

  15. Yay for the rain! We're getting a light sprinkle off and on here in the Mojave Desert. Not much to amount to anything but thankful for it anyway. Have a great weekend!

  16. Hurray for rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I hope that it is enough (and not too late) to save your food producing trees, bushes and vines. Are the chickens enjoying the rain and is it cooler now or still hot?

    1. Sherri, those dunderheads walk around in the rain with their tails down. The only two that are dry are Lucy, mother of a few of them, and one of the new Hampshires - she's broody and on the nest. It's much cooler now and it's still raining. It looks like it will carry on for a couple of days.

  17. So happy for you and I know how you feel. We have very dark clouds here in Tas but only a couple of spits so far. Fingers crossed. Have a happy wet Australia Day!

  18. On Wednesday the roads were closed due to flooding so I couldn't get to work - hooray a free day! I had to laugh at the yellow and green rain - I hope everyone overseas realizes that is the strength of rain on the weather map, not multi-coloured rain!

  19. So pleased your rain has arrived at last!

  20. It's raining here too!!! 100mm since yesterday morning! The tank is full again, the frogs are all hopping around and having a fine celebration too...

    I am so thankful it's finally arrived. I felt like the earth was crying because it was so dry!

  21. Hello Rhonda and everyone,

    yes that rain is musik to our ears.
    here on the mid-north coast we had a much needed
    36mm, and more gentle rain is wellcome.

    have a great weekend

  22. Thats great its trying to rain here a few drops, in Geelong Victoria, hasn't rained since 21st December,2012. Predicted to rain off an on for the next few days. Yeh, it will help our gardens recover.

  23. I'm so happy for you! Rain makes everything feel right with the world sometimes! Is it wrong of me to feel a wee bit jealous? We're still waiting. We just have lots of clouds that won't let go of their precious cargo!

    1. Linda, we had two cloudy days before they opened up. It's still raining now. I hope you get yours soon.

  24. Send 'er down Hughie! So glad you're getting some of the wet stuff, praying it comes further south. Good old Oz, either drought and fire or rain and flood....

  25. There is nothing like laying bed at night listening to rain when you have wanted it to come so badly................excellent!

  26. You can gladly have the rain now. After a few leaky issues from such a heavy downpour, I've had enough rain for now. Our area had purple and pink rain, lol, that's a lot on the prediction maps! :D I am glad some of the SE is going to get some now.

  27. Hi Rhonda! I'm so happy to hear you guys are getting some rain ~ how timely after your post earlier this week. Maybe some higher powers read your blog too!!!! Hope you and Hanno have a great weekend....

  28. I am envious Rhonda!! Enjoy!
    We are hoping to get ours on Sunday - incidentally our 40th wedding anniversary - money can't buy.
    Have a wonderful weekend both of you!

    1. Happy 40th wedding anniversary to you two, MaryJo. I hope you have a beautiful day.

  29. Now you know what to do in the next dry patch Rhonda --- blog about it! We are told we'll get rain on Sunday, I hope so as we are getting a bit desperate.

  30. I'm not really sure how I found this blog so glad I did :) love everything about it the weekend reading etc I'm new to blogging after many years on other program's that I must say I was over and done with :) you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl !!!! Lol

  31. Just got through "The Sufficiency Economy" -Loved it. Great reading whilst relaxing and enjoying the cool change.

  32. Yea! Happy to hear you have rain. Hope the garden perks up for you. Rain tanks are a marvellous thing, aren't they. I have just one barrel but soon it will be 2 and that should be enough for my wee garden.

    Happy rain day.

    Janet in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (where it has been more than -30 C for a while now...)

  33. Rhonda, I'm thrilled that you have had/are having great rain. I know from my daughter how unseasonally dry it has been in your area. As a few others have said, our rain is supposed to come tomorrow. I'll believe it when I see it. So often the weather predictions prove false for us.

    Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies.

    Lyn in Northern New South Wales.

  34. Just asked my daughter in Brisbane last night if you were getting rain too. She thought you were because they've had 4 inches in 36 hours. Happy your garden was blessed. Happy Australia Day from French Lick Indiana.

    1. Oh yes. I haven't counted the overnight rain but we've had 217mm or 8½ inches. That will teach me to write about the rain. Thank you Hedy.


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