9 October 2012

Greg and Soph's journey

Writing a book and gaining an amount of public exposure because of it has been rewarding but also had a down side. The down side is that I don't enjoy the public recognition but one of the rewards is that I meet people I otherwise would never meet. A while back my editor and friend Jo Rosenberg told me about a couple she and her husband Eli know. They were about to set off on a trip to cycle up the east coast of Australia and proposed writing a book about the journey - a journey where they spoke to people who were living simple lives.  She wanted to know if she could give them my contact details and eventually meet them. The trip was far off into the future. "Sure," I said, thinking it was so far off I didn't have to think about it.

They arrived Sunday evening.

Greg and Soph are the kind of young people that make me feel optimistic about the future. They're articulate and engaging and have a hint of uncertainty that smart young people usually have that I always find endearing.  They told me they're on their journey to talk to people who are living simple lives but like all of us they're on a self-discovery journey as well. Many of us say that we have no like-minded friends or community to tap into, too few mentors and real life role models. Greg and Soph are bypassing that problem by travelling around, in a very low impact way, to meet people they can talk to and see first hand, how distinct and effective all these simple lives are.

It is a pleasure to meet young people who are respectful but also treat you as a contemporary. They asked a lot of questions but also shared some of their own views and dreams. They have so much ahead of them that it makes me a bit nervous to think of it. When I look back and see all that has happened in my lifetime I wonder what they'll face, along with my own children and grandchildren, and how they'll deal with it all. One thing is for sure, having more books and blogs about how we all live will help enable others to see this as an achievable sustainable life choice. The combination of more information, combined knowledge and guidance is always a good thing.

We invited them to stay the night so we had time to talk over dinner and again in the morning. And then they were off - cycling to Cairns, another 2000kms, dodging cars and trucks, looking for the good life. It is out there, we all know it is, so if you see them in your town north of here, offer them a drink, a meal or let them put their tent up in your backyard. Like all of us, they're working to a budget.

If you can suggest people they should meet or places you think they should visit, drop them an email here simplelivessuggestions@gmail.comTo read about them and find out more about the trip, you'll find them here at their blog -  http://simplelives.com.au


  1. It's a shame they aren't cycling around England, as I would love to meet them.

  2. They look a lovely couple and they are developing a philosophy for living that should keep them in good stead for the uncertain future. I wish them good luck while they continue on the rest of their journey. Elizabeth

  3. Hi Rhonda,
    Greg and Sophie actually came to stay at the farm stay with us not that long ago and all the lovely things you said about them are so true. David and I felt quite envious of the freedom of just taking off on a bike to see the country but they also made appreciate the lovely lifestyle we are living. We have spent the past few weeks wondering where they are , as we knew they had to get to Cairns before the wet season.... so it is great to hear how they are getting on.

    1. They stayed at little black cow! That's wonderful, Kim. They told us they'd met some incredible people but few names. I think the book will be an interesting one.

  4. Rhonda this is a lovely post. What a fine young couple they are.

  5. I think these young guys are inspirational, i wish I had have done something like this before having my little ones! But there is always time, I am still young :)

  6. What a shame we didn't know they were heading up this way in advance as they could have stayed with us had they wanted to...... they're probably well past Gympie on their way north, by now.

  7. I wish them a good trip and hope they find what they are looking for.

  8. Oh I admire their adventurous spirit, I am in Canada so I am sure they will not be peddling here but I am sure they will meet lots of like minded truly good people on their quest. It is so nice to see the young people in this world making it a better place for us all later in our lives. I wish them the best of luck. B

  9. very interesting,i wish them well.xx

  10. I love this community I have stumbled upon. I discovered Greg and Soph's blog a few months ago. I think I discovered Down to Earth a short while beforehand. Now to hear that they met with you, Rhonda, makes the community seem very real and tangible.

  11. good for them & for your sharing!!

  12. Hi Rhonda I would love to nominate your blog for the one lovely blog award I hope you are able to accept.

    1. Thank you for your generosity Serena but I don't accept awards. I am sure there are many blogs worthy of your award.

  13. Mmm heading up my way - I will have to send them an invite to stop in.

  14. I would love to read their blog....could I ask what the blog name is? (hope this is ok to ask Rhonda)?

    1. notjustgreen, their blog is simplelives.com.au it shows the mapped route of their trip.

  15. Hi Rhonda. I met Greg and Sophie back in March and their visit was refreshing and enjoyable. They were easy to get to know and by the end of their visit, it was sad to see them go. It was great to see young people concerned about the same things that Kim and I are was inspiring.

    I hope to meet up with them again once their journey is complete.

    Gav x

  16. It sounds like an incredible experience, biking across a continent and meeting people living the simple life. I wonder what their own next steps will be after writing the book...

  17. Do THEY have a blog? Would be interesting to follow their story.

  18. I had the pleasure of meeting Greg and Sophie on Sunday before they made their way to your place when they rode into our Eudlo Transition Town Seed Savers meeting as a planned stop. They were really interested in the concept of transition and we had a group of nearly 40 people as I was doing a Seedy Sunday Workshop on saving local seeds. Everyone introduced themselves briefly including where they were from, why they were there and how they got there. Greg and Sophie really enjoyed hearing this as it was so interesting to see two groups of people had carpooled up from Brisbane, one lady had walked 20kms from home, others had driven and many had ridden their bikes. We were all there to share knowledge, learn new skills, swap seeds/plants, hear their story and enjoy local food. They were charming and engaging, and prepared to roll their sleeves up and process seeds like everyone else. They were a reminder we are all on a journey - some at the beginning - and some with a long way to go - towards a simple life. The point is, we've begun.

    1. Hello Anne, it's good to "meet" you. Yes, they told me how much they enjoyed your group. Keep up the good work and say hello to Sonya for me. :- )

  19. Glad you had such an enriching time together. It reminds me a little of the episode of The Good Life where the young couple comes to stay with Tom and Barbara But with a much better ending ;-)


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